RE: [mu SETUP] weird problem's..I am 99% there!

From: Lee Hughes (
Date: Tue Dec 04 2001 - 14:17:58 CET

thanks for the help! :-))))))))). Err, I managed to fix the problem after
much head scratching... it seems that I was correct, mulinux was running out
of swap space on the dos partition, I managed to clear some space and create
a native (type 82) partion on the machine, after pointing mulinux at this,
everything worked like a dream! :-). I'm amazed actually that a machine of
this age can read and write at extended 1.7mb format floppy. cool huh.
I'm now a proud owner of a colour laptop , that has some use.. now, it's
time to get X working, and vnc and ppp working :-) yum yum.I've even got
a wireless card that I may be able to get working, perhaps it time for
a wireless extension disk for mulinux... (check

It would be a good idea if mulinux installer actually does a fsck,
or some other kind of filesystem check after it creates the boot floppy,
and create some kind of error message, lucky for me I'm not a microsoft
droid and can figure out what was going on ;-). perhaps I'll have a hack
through the scripts so other users don't get confused with low hard drive
space configurations.

final question is, now I have a large HD (512mb) which I want to install in
machine, is it wise just to dos format is, and run mulinux over dos
or would you recommend using and native linux ext2 filesystem? perhaps
storing just the /usr partion on hard disk perhaps? symbolic link perhaps?
any tips???

just one more thing, mulinux rocks the party! :-)..



>===== Original Message From Shannon Mecklenburg <>
>>I am using method B (boot from dos) to get a install going,
>>and select option 1 (boot/usr/root). at this point it runs out of swap space
>>:-(, and the rest of the process although it looks like it complete's okay,
>>I reboot with resulting disk, and get lots of file ext2 filesystem error's
>>when it tries to mount the USR part of the floppy :-( :-(.
>>I presume that's because I'm running out of swap space on my dos partition
>Is it possible that the image on the disk is corrupted? Or maybe the drive
>in your computer can't read the format? I think this might be formatted
>out as a 1.77MB disk, but I don't remember.
>Heck being that your computer is so old I wouldn't be surprised that if it
>only read the Double Density Format (720KB). I don't know what happens if
>you put a high density disk in a double density drive. What does your BIOS
>show the drive as? And can you use High Density floppies and are able to
>read and write out the whole disk?
>>I have tried using method a, but it's seem the bios on the machine refuses
>>to boot the resulting disk, I get a rather unhelpful 'boot failed' message!.
>>Please feel free to flame me if you think trying to install linux on to this
>>throw away system is silly!
>Thanks for the offer! :)
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