Re: [mu SETUP] weird problem's..I am 99% there!

From: Michele Andreoli (
Date: Tue Dec 04 2001 - 17:55:04 CET

On Tue, Dec 04, 2001 at 01:17:58PM +0000, Lee Hughes nicely wrote:

> perhaps it time for
> a wireless extension disk for mulinux... (check

With the ancestral 2.0.36 kernel?? Mmmm ... a such kernel can do
wireless work only using the thought power. As alternative, if you
have a digital oscilloscope and a sensible probe attached to it, you
can try to communicate wireless using electromagnetic radiation
generated by the kernel circuitery :-)))

> final question is, now I have a large HD (512mb) which I want to install in
> the
> machine,

512M does is a large disk? Oh, this is only 2min of an AVI video clip!

>is it wise just to dos format is, and run mulinux over dos
>or would you recommend using and native linux ext2 filesystem?

The second solution.

> just one more thing, mulinux rocks the party! :-)..

"rocks the party"? Mmm, literal translation doesn't help me with this
sentence. What's the party? Whats the rock?


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