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Re: [openppc] Apple Talk?

On Wed, Dec 12, 2001 at 11:39:29AM -0500, Phillip L. Harbison wrote:
> Alasdair Ferro wrote:
> > To be more exact, they're both saying nothing, because they
> > cannot legally deny the G5, as it appears on Mot's roadmap
> > (and one part is available, the MPC8540 (I think), and
> > listed on the web site).
> That is correct.  Here are links to 8540 documents on Motorola's
> web site.
> http://www.motorola.com/mediacenter/news/detail/0,1958,568_322_23,00.html
> http://e-www.motorola.com/webapp/sps/site/prod_summary.jsp?code=MPC8540&nodeId=03M943030450467M98655
> http://e-www.motorola.com/brdata/PDFDB/docs/MPC8540FACT.pdf
> http://e-www.motorola.com/collateral/MPC8540E500RPT.pdf
> This chip is intended for embedded applications, but IMHO it
> would make a nice host for PPC-Linux.  The core runs at 600MHz
> to 1GHz.  It includes a DDR memory controller, 64-bit PCI-X
> bridge, dual gigabit ethernet, 10/100 ethernet, RapidIO, and
> other goodies.  There is no AltiVec unit but it does have a
> DSP unit that does 64-bit operations using the existing GP
> registers.  The 8540 could be a glimpse at a future where North
> bridges are integrated into the CPU.

That bascially sounds more like a follow-on to the 8240, which is a
follow-on to 823 & friends, which all had add-on 'communications
processors' which amounted to DSP-like unit, not really a follow-on to the
7450, etc.

However, I've always thought an 8260 would make a nice slim latop or PDA 
cpu... ;)

You can't do SMP very easy if you have integrated memory controllers and 
such.. although RapidIO might let you do a NUMA-type architecture..

Troy Benjegerdes | master of mispeeling | 'da hozer' |  hozer@drgw.net
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