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Re: [oc] MAC FIR problem

Your code is a behavioral description.
AFAIK, Xilinx tools does not suport behavioral synthesis.
I do not see anything wrong in your code.
My recomendation is to convert this design into a RTL description, if you
wish to use Xilinx tools.
Please, correct me if I am wrong.

Greetings from Brazil!

Marco Antonio Simon Dal Poz           "Dal Poz Motorsport!"
mdalpoz@lsi.usp.br           http://www.lsi.usp.br/~mdalpoz

On Thu, 17 Jan 2002 095204650580@ntu.edu.sg wrote:

> Hello,
> I tried to do MAC (Multiplication and Accumulation) function using VHDL 
> code to be implemented in FPGA. But I encountered some errors during 
> its synthesis using Xilinx. Here is I attached the codes
> --*********************
> --*********************
> --
> --FILENAME: mul.vhd
> --
> --This is the VHDL source code for multiplier module
> --pragma synthesis_on 
> library IEEE;
> use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL;
> --library virtex;
> --use virtex.components.all;
> --library SYNOPSYS;
> --library DWARE;
> entity mul is
> port(data: in integer range -32678 to 32767;
> 	CLK: in std_logic;
> 	reset: in std_logic;
> 	const: in integer range -256 to 255;
> 	start: in std_logic;
> 	output: out integer range -32768 to 32767);
> end mul;
> architecture M1 of mul is
> 	--attribute dont_unroll:boolean;
> begin
> process (CLK, reset)
> 	variable in16 : INTEGER range -32678 to 32767;
> 	variable inconst : INTEGER range -256 to 255;
> 	variable out25b: SIGNED (24 downto 0);
> 	variable out16b: SIGNED (15 downto 0);
> 	variable out25 : INTEGER range -16777216 to 16777215;
> 	variable out25_add : INTEGER range -16777216 to 16777215;
> 	--attribute dont_unroll of mul_loop:label is TRUE;
> begin
> --init variables and output ports
> 	reset_loop: loop
> 	out25b := "0000000000000000000000000";
> 	out16b := "0000000000000000";
> 	out25 := 0;
> 	out25_add := 0;
> 	in16 := 0;
> 	inconst := 0;
> 	output <= 0;
> --RIsing edge of clock
> 	 if (CLK'event and CLK='1') then 
> 	if (reset='1') then exit reset_loop; end if;
> 	end if; --
> 	algorithm_loop:loop
> --input handshaking protocol
> 	check_ready:loop
> 		if (start='1') then
> 			in16 := data;
> 			inconst := const;
> 			exit check_ready;
> 		end if;	
> 	if (CLK'event and CLK='1') then 
> 	if (reset='1') then exit reset_loop; end if;
> 	end if; 
> 	end loop check_ready;
> 	if (CLK'event and CLK='1') then 
> 	if (reset='1') then exit reset_loop; end if;
> 	end if; --
> --multiplication and accumulation out in 25 bits
> 	mul_loop: for count in 0 to 20 loop
> 		out25_add :=  in16*inconst;
> 		out25:=out25 + out25_add;
> 		in16 := data;
> inconst := const;
> 	--wait until clk'event and clk = '1';
> 	if (CLK'event and CLK='1') then 
> 	if (reset='1') then exit reset_loop; end if;
> 	end if; --
> 		end loop;
> --rounding the final result by adding a LSB to the upper 16 bits if bit 8 is 
> a '1'
> 	out25b := conv_signed(out25,25);
> 	if (out25b(8)='1') then out25b := out25b + 512; end if;
> --converting the final results to 16 bits by discarding the lower 9 bits 
> and output the fila result to the output port
> 	out16b:= out25b(24 downto 9);
> 	output <= conv_integer(out16b);
> --initialize the variable that is used to hold the final sum of FIR filter 
> operation 
> 	out25:=0;
> 	--wait until clk'event and clk = '1';
> 	if (CLK'event and CLK='1') then 
> 	if (reset='1') then exit reset_loop; end if;
> 	end if; --
>    end loop algorithm_loop;
>   end loop reset_loop;
>  end process ;
> end M1;

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