Equinox Desktop Environment  

What is Equinox Desktop Environment?
- Main goals of this project are simplicity, speed, minimal memory usage (if possible), good look and fell and stability. That does not mean it will be for 8086.

Reasons for creating another environment?
- This will not be a big (big = loading 5 minutes into memory) environment, I doing it just for fun and cause I need a really useable desktop environment. Gnome and KDE are fine, but eat a lot of RAM. Big problem in Linux is that there are so many GUI toolkits. But probably the best toolkit I know is Fast Light Tool Kit (library has about 400kb, load fast, use C++, simple and efective classes). So Equinox Desktop Environment is based on this toolkit.

Other information
Equinox Desktop Environment is under GNU GPL.
Requirements: GLIBC, X11, FLTK (Fast Light Tool Kit - devel 2.0)