- Method resolution order:
- CoreAdminHandler
- common.messagehandling.PeerAutoMethodMessageHandler
- common.messagehandling.AutoMethodMessageHandler
- common.messagehandling.MessageHandler
Methods defined here:
- __init__(self, peer, config, pitcherrouter, ppeers)
- handle_addplugin(self, message)
- Register a new plugin with the monitoring system by refering
to its plugindesc.xml file. In fact it can contains multiple plugins
- handle_addservice(self, message)
- We add a new service to the monitoring system
- handle_addtarget(self, message)
- We add a new target to the monitoring system
- handle_listplugins(self, message)
- List all plugins registered with the monitoring system
- handle_listservices(self, message)
- List all services registered with the monitoring system
- handle_listtargets(self, message)
- List all targets on the monitoring system
- handle_targetcmd(self, message)
- handles messages whose root is <targetcmd>
such messages always have a uid element as first child.
possible messages as XPath are
- target/addservice
Data and non-method functions defined here:
- __doc__ = ' A generic handler that calls method cmd_tagName...tagName giving it the message as a parameter\n '
- __module__ = 'core.adminhandler'
Methods inherited from common.messagehandling.PeerAutoMethodMessageHandler:
- handleMessage(self, message)
Data and non-method functions inherited from common.messagehandling.AutoMethodMessageHandler:
- METHOD_PREFIX = 'handle_'