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[ethmac] CRC question

Dear All!

I know this is not an ethmac question but for you this will be an easy one:
I am working on my diploma work right now and for some reasons I cannot use
your ethernetcore as we need some special things implemented. But one thing
is similar: the CRC in general.
I guess I understood the CRC itself but for me it seems the CRC-32 for
ethernet needs some weird extras like inverting the 32 bits and reflecting
them as well. I will have to initialize the register with "F"s as the first

Q: After all, usually I have to put zeros into the CRCC. Do I have to put 0s
into this CRC-32C as well, or do I need to put Fs to get it run (I need
nibbles for input). The problem is I have two "testpatterns", one does the
job (60 Bytes of zeros work with mine) the other doesn't. I used the CRC-32
from easics.com (CRC-Tool). I tried almost every combination. Am I doing a
major mistake?
Does someone of you have an 4:32-implementation of an CRCC (well, I am
programming in VHDL actually, but this should not be a problem)? Or another
testpacket? I would be really happy about that.

Thank you very much for your time reading this.

Sincerely yours,
university of applied technology cologne

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