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Re: [ethmac] Need clarification

Hi Igor,
Thanks for your reply. Now I am not clear about your point no.7
7. When you write DMA buffer descriptor, you must also write the MAC buffer descriptor. When the descriptor is set as READY, the DMA request is set automatically.
As you mentioned I can write the DMA buffer descriptor in the Block RAM memory using the address specified by the TX_BD_NUM, e.g. I will store transmitter buffer descriptors locations between 0x400 and 0x600. And receive buffer descriptors in the locations 0x600 to 0x800.
Now, where do I store MAC buffer descriptors? Or what is the address for these descriptors?
Also I am expecting clarificatioins for the doubts in last mail, which are not clarified. Once again I am copying here.
How the source address and destination addresses are incremented if I set the respective bits? Where the Channel registers are stored? If they are stored outside the Ethernet IP Core, how these will be controlled? If I am interfacing this IP Core to any processor, how the processor will controls channel registers?
Expecting reply.
----- Original Message -----
From: Igor Mohor
Sent: Thursday, December 27, 2001 4:06 PM
Subject: RE: [ethmac] Need clarification

2. I call that module that writes frames to the memory, sets the DMA and Ethernet registers host. It can be a processor, some kind of state machine, etc.
The destination address should be mac's address. That means that addresses [31:12] must select the MAC, while [11:10] select the buffer within the mac.
assign RegCs = wb_stb_i & wb_cyc_i & DWord & ~wb_adr_i[11] & ~wb_adr_i[10];
assign BDCs  = wb_stb_i & wb_cyc_i & DWord & ~wb_adr_i[11] &  wb_adr_i[10];
From here you can see that when wb_adr_i[11] and wb_adr_i[10] are both 1 then buffer is selected.
3. Destination field remains the same always. This is MAC address.
7. When you write DMA buffer descriptor, you must also write the MAC buffer descriptor. When the descriptor is set as READY, the DMA request is set automatically.
-----Original Message-----
From: owner-ethmac@opencores.org [mailto:owner-ethmac@opencores.org]On Behalf Of Veeresh
Sent: 27. december 2001 8:56
To: ethmac
Cc: rudi@asics.ws
Subject: [ethmac] Need clarification

Hi Igor,
I have some doubts regarding buffer descriptors. I am giving the sequence of operations what I am following (for transmission).
1. Storing the data in the memory.
2. Writing the buffer descriptor with the source address pointing to location where the data is stored. (Which address should I mention in the destination address field? Specification for the Ethernet IP Core specifies to write with the Ethernet Host interface-What is it mean?)
3. Setting the bits INC_SRC, INC_DSR, SRC_SEL, DES_SEL and EOL to high.
4. Next Pointer field with next buffer descriptor.
5. Enable channel.
6. Set the bits TXEN and DMAEN bits to high.
7. Assert the REQ0 signal.
How the source address and destination addresses are incremented if I set the respective bits? Where the Channel registers are stored? If they are stored outside the Ethernet IP Core, how these will be controlled? If I am interfacing this IP Core to any processor, how the processor will controls channel registers?
Waiting for the reply.