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[oc] mc6800 core

Hi everyone,

I've written a 6800/6801 micro processor core in VHDL
using the Xilinx Web Pack 4.2WP2.0 software. I've got the
core to run SWTPC Basic V2.3 on Tony Burch's B3 Spartan II
board (XC2S200). Unfortunately, a friend who has the updated
B5 board with the XC2S300E, can't quite reproduce my results.
He can get some of my designs to work, and can simulate the 6800
but cannot get the 6800 SOC to run on his board.
Would someone care to try it out on some other platforms before
I post it to the CVS.

I am also wondering if someone can give me a hand with WinCVS.
I'm not sure how to use it. I have been allocated an account for the
design, but I'm not sure how to set up the revision directories.

Finally, I've used the mini-uart from open cores and modified it
to look something like a 6850 ACIA. I've left the original authors
details in the files, but have not put a full revision history in the files.

If you are interested in helping me test the 6800 design, drop me a line.


John Kent.


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