Re: Protect your own

From: Gerrit Lammert (
Date: Thu Sep 13 2001 - 23:33:10 CEST

Hi Joseph,

> If someone comes into your home and murders your mother,you don't
> his terrible childhood and his
> being mistreated by the Israeli's or any other whipping boy you
> philosophically choose.

If you see that he will shoot your mother, try to stop it (this is
called self-defense). Everything else is revenge and is illegal (which
means, that you break the american law if you do it. Then you are a
criminal, too!!

> When you believe that a
> certain person is guilty, you kill him so that another
> person's mother will not die.

No, I would ask the police for help, so that
1) I don't die
2) Someone elses mother isn't killed by him
3) I don't kill anyone innocent (just because I *beleave* someone is
guilty does't give me any right. This is the way some anachonostic clans
handle this, where families kill each other)
3) The police can investigate what is behind this and so there will not
be an replacement of this murderer.

> This probably sounds strange to you because we come
> from different backgrounds but I believe this is the only way that the
> will find any peace.

Yes, and thats why I fear about our future, as Bush seems to come from
the same background :-(

btw: can you find any of the american ideals in what you wrote? (apart
from the right to defend yourself, which is quite antic).


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