effects of tragedy

From: jake (samael@itookmyprozac.com)
Date: Thu Sep 13 2001 - 08:54:05 CEST

the effects of this tradgedy is being felt so much all over the world. even
here in new zealand , i had an assignment due on wednsday , we have all
been given an extention till friday. i would of course much prefer if it
didn't happen at all though. it happened about 1 am wednsday morning (nz
time), and it was due that day. maybe because the lecturer's texan. I lost
12 -14 hours coding time that day following this tradgedy , and it was my
choice that following this was more important than embedding sql in c so
i'm not blaming anyone but me. just trying to point out the effects around
the world , even in mundane everyday life.

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