Re: Re: [OT]Linux and ADSL?

From: Bob Romprey (
Date: Tue Feb 06 2001 - 05:21:39 CET

('binary' encoding is not supported, stored as-is) Michele,
I think we may have a misunderstanding here.
It seems there's two different scenarios that are being discussed.
If I'm not mistaken the scenario you speak of looks like this,
             +-------------+ | |
             | |-------+user machine 1 |
Internet<----+ IP_Masq | |web browser+ftp|
             | http server | |client+misc |
             | ftp server | +---------------+
             |telnet deamon| +---------------+
             |vnc deamon |-------| |
             +-------------+ |user machine 2 |
                                   |web browser+ftp|
                                   |client+misc |
with all externally available services residing on the IP_Masq'd "router".
What I'm talking about looks more like this.

                                  | |
           +------------+--port80-|httpd deamon |
           | | +----------------+
Internet<--+IP_Masq'd | +----------------+
           |router only |--port21-+ |
           |no other | |ftpd deamon |
           |user | +----------------+
           |services | +----------------+
           | |---------+ |
           | | |user machine 1 |
           | | +----------------+
           | | +----------------+
           | |---------| |
           | | |user machine 2 |
           +------------+ +----------------+
In the first scenario muLinux setup is very simple if not automatic.
In the second "freesco" is easier for beginning users.


>Date: Sun, 4 Feb 2001 18:55:20 +0100
>From: Michele Andreoli <>
>Subject: Re: Re: [OT]Linux and ADSL?
>On Sun, Feb 04, 2001 at 09:44:42AM -0800, Bob Romprey nicely wrote:
>> Although I have no wish to steer you away from muLinux, for this specific purpose I'd most heartily recommend using freesco, as, for beginning users the setup is much easier.
>much easier? To run an FTP server in muLinux is only matter to
>answer "y" to the question "do you wish startd inetd?".
>The user answer "y", with no other questions at all. After that,
>FTPD and TELNETD are available to the whole universe.
> - Traditional Internet Services -
>This setup start the "inetd" daemon, the Internet Super-server.
>A lot of traditional UNIX services, managed via /etc/inetd.conf,
>will becomes active. They are:
> in.telnetd, in.ftpd, in.rshd, etc.
> -- SRV addon required
>>Particularly running internal services that o
>>ne wishes to be accessable from the external network.
>All services in muLinux, as in every Linux box, are accessible to
>external networks. If not, there is some bug. This is NOT a muLinux
>feature but a feature common to all Linux boxes, because
>- thank god - every Linux box is equiped with a native TCP/IP stack.
>As extras, muLinux offers also the SMB (Samba protocol) and
>a complete Web front-end to its internals configuration parameters.
>All that, in two floppy-disks.
>I'm astonished to know that the muLinux services, rustics and not, aren't
>accessible from outside.
>In summing up, I wish I had some kind of affirmative message to leave
>you with, I don't. Would you take two negative messages? - Woody Allen
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