The file TEKTEST.FOR.BL is the main program to test the TEK GIN mode This program draws some graph and let the terminal enter the GIN mode. When a key is pressed(with or without CR) the program prints the 5 bytes that it received(decimal), prints the character pressed and prints the decoded scaled and unscaled screen position of the pointer ( On a tek4010 or tek4014 these values are supposed to be the same I think) Then the program wait for another keypressed (from GIN mode) and starts allover again. Pressing a 'q' or 'Q' forces the program to stop The file TEKTEST.EXE is the VAX/VMS executable of TEKTEST.FOR.BL The file SUBTEK.FOR.BL contains a subset of the fortran tek plot library. (all the routines needed to link In this file there are two VAX dependent routines: SEND and ATTACH SEND is a routine to send one byte at a time to an output stream ATTACH is needed to link the keybord to a input stream SEND is called from the routine ADEOUT ATTACH is called from routine INITT