class MfeaNode

The MFEA node class. More...

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Public Methods

Protected Methods

Detailed Description

There should be one node per MFEA instance. There should be one instance per address family.

 MfeaNode (FeaNode& fea_node, int family, xorp_module_id module_id, EventLoop& eventloop)


Constructor for a given address family, module ID, and event loop.


fea_nodethe corresponding FeaNode (FeaNode).
familythe address family (AF_INET or AF_INET6 for IPv4 and IPv6 respectively).
module_idthe module ID (xorp_module_id). Should be equal to XORP_MODULE_MFEA.
eventloopthe event loop to use.
 ~MfeaNode ()




FeaNode&  fea_node ()


Get the FEA node instance.

Returns: reference to the FEA node instance.

bool  is_dummy ()



Test if running in dummy mode.

Returns: true if running in dummy mode, otherwise false.

int  start ()


Start the node operation.

After the startup operations are completed, MfeaNode::final_start() is called internally to complete the job.

Returns: XORP_OK on success, otherwise XORP_ERROR.

int  stop ()


Stop the node operation.

After the shutdown operations are completed, MfeaNode::final_stop() is called internally to complete the job.

Returns: XORP_OK on success, otherwise XORP_ERROR.

int  final_start ()


Completely start the node operation.

This method should be called internally after MfeaNode::start() to complete the job.

Returns: XORP_OK on success, otherwise XORP_ERROR.

int  final_stop ()


Completely stop the node operation.

This method should be called internally after MfeaNode::stop() to complete the job.

Returns: XORP_OK on success, otherwise XORP_ERROR.

void  enable ()


Enable node operation.

If an unit is not enabled, it cannot be start, or pending-start.

void  disable ()


Disable node operation.

If an unit is disabled, it cannot be start or pending-start. If the unit was runnning, it will be stop first.

bool  have_multicast_routing4 ()



Test if the underlying system supports IPv4 multicast routing.

Returns: true if the underlying system supports IPv4 multicast routing, otherwise false.

bool  have_multicast_routing6 ()



Test if the underlying system supports IPv6 multicast routing.

Returns: true if the underlying system supports IPv6 multicast routing, otherwise false.

int  add_vif (const Vif& vif, string& error_msg)


Install a new MFEA vif.


vifvif information about the new MfeaVif to install.
error_msgthe error message (if error).

Returns: XORP_OK on success, otherwise XORP_ERROR.

Reimplemented from ProtoNode.

int  delete_vif (const string& vif_name, string& error_msg)


Delete an existing MFEA vif.


vif_namethe name of the vif to delete.
error_msgthe error message (if error).

Returns: XORP_OK on success, otherwise XORP_ERROR.

Reimplemented from ProtoNode.

int  add_config_vif (const Vif& vif, string& error_msg)


Add a configured vif.


vifthe vif with the information to add.
error_msgthe error message (if error).

Returns: XORP_OK on success, otherwise XORP_ERROR.

Reimplemented from ProtoNode.

int  set_config_vif_flags (const string& vif_name, bool is_pim_register, bool is_p2p, bool is_loopback, bool is_multicast, bool is_broadcast, bool is_up, uint32_t mtu, string& error_msg)


Set the vif flags of a configured vif.


vif_namethe name of the vif.
is_pim_registertrue if the vif is a PIM Register interface.
is_p2ptrue if the vif is point-to-point interface.
is_loopbacktrue if the vif is a loopback interface.
is_multicasttrue if the vif is multicast capable.
is_broadcasttrue if the vif is broadcast capable.
is_uptrue if the underlying vif is UP.
mtuthe MTU of the vif.
error_msgthe error message (if error).

Returns: XORP_OK on success, otherwise XORP_ERROR.

Reimplemented from ProtoNode.

int  set_config_all_vifs_done (string& error_msg)


Complete the set of vif configuration changes.


error_msgthe error message (if error).

Returns: XORP_OK on success, otherwise XORP_ERROR.

int  enable_vif (const string& vif_name, string& error_msg)


Enable an existing MFEA vif.


vif_namethe name of the vif to enable.
error_msgthe error message (if error).

Returns: XORP_OK on success, otherwise XORP_ERROR.

int  disable_vif (const string& vif_name, string& error_msg)


Disable an existing MFEA vif.


vif_namethe name of the vif to disable.
error_msgthe error message (if error).

Returns: XORP_OK on success, otherwise XORP_ERROR.

int  start_vif (const string& vif_name, string& error_msg)


Start an existing MFEA vif.


vif_namethe name of the vif to start.
error_msgthe error message (if error).

Returns: XORP_OK on success, otherwise XORP_ERROR.

int  stop_vif (const string& vif_name, string& error_msg)


Stop an existing MFEA vif.


vif_namethe name of the vif to start.
error_msgthe error message (if error).

Returns: XORP_OK on success, otherwise XORP_ERROR.

int  start_all_vifs ()


Start MFEA on all enabled interfaces.

Returns: XORP_OK on success, otherwise XORP_ERROR.

int  stop_all_vifs ()


Stop MFEA on all interfaces it was running on.

Returns: XORP_OK on success, otherwise XORP_ERROR.

int  enable_all_vifs ()


Enable MFEA on all interfaces.

Returns: XORP_OK on success, otherwise XORP_ERROR.

int  disable_all_vifs ()


Disable MFEA on all interfaces.

All running interfaces are stopped first.

Returns: XORP_OK on success, otherwise XORP_ERROR.

void  delete_all_vifs ()


Delete all MFEA vifs.

void  vif_shutdown_completed (const string& vif_name)


A method called when a vif has completed its shutdown.


vif_namethe name of the vif that has completed its shutdown.
int  register_protocol (const string& module_instance_name, const string& if_name, const string& vif_name, uint8_t ip_protocol, string& error_msg)


Register a protocol on an interface in the Multicast FEA.

There could be only one registered protocol per interface/vif.


module_instance_namethe module instance name of the protocol to register.
if_namethe name of the interface to register for the particular protocol.
vif_namethe name of the vif to register for the particular protocol.
ip_protocolthe IP protocol number. It must be between 1 and 255.
error_msgthe error message (if error).

Returns: XORP_OK on success, otherwise XORP_ERROR.

int  unregister_protocol (const string& module_instance_name, const string& if_name, const string& vif_name, string& error_msg)


Unregister a protocol on an interface in the Multicast FEA.

There could be only one registered protocol per interface/vif.


module_instance_namethe module instance name of the protocol to unregister.
if_namethe name of the interface to unregister for the particular protocol.
vif_namethe name of the vif to unregister for the particular protocol.
error_msgthe error message (if error).

Returns: XORP_OK on success, otherwise XORP_ERROR.

int  proto_recv (const string& , const string& , const IPvX& , const IPvX& , uint8_t , int32_t , int32_t , bool , bool , const vector<uint8_t>& , string& )



Reimplemented from ProtoNode.

int  proto_send (const string& , const string& , const IPvX& , const IPvX& , uint8_t , int32_t , int32_t , bool , bool , const uint8_t* , size_t , string& )



Reimplemented from ProtoNode.

int  signal_message_recv (const string& src_module_instance_name, int message_type, uint32_t vif_index, const IPvX& src, const IPvX& dst, const uint8_t *rcvbuf, size_t rcvlen)


Process NOCACHE, WRONGVIF/WRONGMIF, WHOLEPKT signals from the kernel.

The signal is sent to all user-level protocols that expect it.

#define IGMPMSG_NOCACHE         1
#define IGMPMSG_WRONGVIF        2
#define IGMPMSG_WHOLEPKT        3

#define MRT6MSG_NOCACHE         1
#define MRT6MSG_WRONGMIF        2
#define MRT6MSG_WHOLEPKT        3


message_typethe message type of the kernel signal (for IPv4 and IPv6 respectively):
vif_indexthe vif index of the related interface (message-specific).
srcthe source address in the message.
dstthe destination address in the message.
rcvbufthe data buffer with the additional information in the message.
rcvlenthe data length in rcvbuf.

Returns: XORP_OK on success, otherwise XORP_ERROR.

Reimplemented from ProtoNode.

int  signal_dataflow_message_recv (const IPvX& source, const IPvX& group, const TimeVal& threshold_interval, const TimeVal& measured_interval, uint32_t threshold_packets, uint32_t threshold_bytes, uint32_t measured_packets, uint32_t measured_bytes, bool is_threshold_in_packets, bool is_threshold_in_bytes, bool is_geq_upcall, bool is_leq_upcall)


Process a dataflow upcall from the kernel or from the MFEA internal mechanism.

The MFEA internal bandwidth-estimation mechanism is based on periodic reading of the kernel multicast forwarding statistics. The signal is sent to all user-level protocols that expect it.

Note: either is_threshold_in_packets or is_threshold_in_bytes (or both) must be true. Note: either is_geq_upcall or is_leq_upcall (but not both) must be true.


sourcethe source address.
groupthe group address.
threshold_intervalthe dataflow threshold interval.
measured_intervalthe dataflow measured interval.
threshold_packetsthe threshold (in number of packets) to compare against.
threshold_bytesthe threshold (in number of bytes) to compare against.
measured_packetsthe number of packets measured within the measured_interval.
measured_bytesthe number of bytes measured within the measured_interval.
is_threshold_in_packetsif true, threshold_packets is valid.
is_threshold_in_bytesif true, threshold_bytes is valid.
is_geq_upcallif true, the operation for comparison is ">=".
is_leq_upcallif true, the operation for comparison is "<=".

Returns: XORP_OK on success, otherwise XORP_ERROR.

int  dataflow_signal_send (const string& dst_module_instance_name, const IPvX& source_addr, const IPvX& group_addr, uint32_t threshold_interval_sec, uint32_t threshold_interval_usec, uint32_t measured_interval_sec, uint32_t measured_interval_usec, uint32_t threshold_packets, uint32_t threshold_bytes, uint32_t measured_packets, uint32_t measured_bytes, bool is_threshold_in_packets, bool is_threshold_in_bytes, bool is_geq_upcall, bool is_leq_upcall)


[pure virtual]

Send a signal that a dataflow-related pre-condition is true.

This is a pure virtual function, and it must be implemented by the communication-wrapper class that inherits this base class.

Note: either is_threshold_in_packets or is_threshold_in_bytes (or both) must be true. Note: either is_geq_upcall or is_leq_upcall (but not both) must be true.


dst_module_instance_namethe module instance name of the module-recepient of the message.
source_addrthe source address of the dataflow.
group_addrthe group address of the dataflow.
threshold_interval_secthe number of seconds in the interval requested for measurement.
threshold_interval_usecthe number of microseconds in the interval requested for measurement.
measured_interval_secthe number of seconds in the last measured interval that has triggered the signal.
measured_interval_usecthe number of microseconds in the last measured interval that has triggered the signal.
threshold_packetsthe threshold value to trigger a signal (in number of packets).
threshold_bytesthe threshold value to trigger a signal (in bytes).
measured_packetsthe number of packets measured within the measured_interval.
measured_bytesthe number of bytes measured within the measured_interval.
is_threshold_in_packetsif true, threshold_packets is valid.
is_threshold_in_bytesif true, threshold_bytes is valid.
is_geq_upcallif true, the operation for comparison is ">=".
is_leq_upcallif true, the operation for comparison is "<=".

Returns: XORP_OK on success, otherwise XORP_ERROR.

int  add_mfc (const string& module_instance_name, const IPvX& source, const IPvX& group, uint32_t iif_vif_index, const Mifset& oiflist, const Mifset& oiflist_disable_wrongvif, uint32_t max_vifs_oiflist, const IPvX& rp_addr)


Add Multicast Forwarding Cache (MFC) to the kernel.


module_instance_namethe module instance name of the protocol that adds the MFC.
sourcethe source address.
groupthe group address.
iif_vif_indexthe vif index of the incoming interface.
oiflistthe bitset with the outgoing interfaces.
oiflist_disable_wrongvifthe bitset with the outgoing interfaces to disable the WRONGVIF signal.
max_vifs_oiflistthe number of vifs covered by oiflist or oiflist_disable_wrongvif.
rp_addrthe RP address.

Returns: XORP_OK on success, otherwise XORP_ERROR.

int  delete_mfc (const string& module_instance_name, const IPvX& source, const IPvX& group)


Delete Multicast Forwarding Cache (MFC) from the kernel.

Note: all corresponding dataflow entries are also removed.


module_instance_namethe module instance name of the protocol that deletes the MFC.
sourcethe source address.
groupthe group address.

Returns: XORP_OK on success, otherwise XORP_ERROR.

int  add_dataflow_monitor (const string& module_instance_name, const IPvX& source, const IPvX& group, const TimeVal& threshold_interval, uint32_t threshold_packets, uint32_t threshold_bytes, bool is_threshold_in_packets, bool is_threshold_in_bytes, bool is_geq_upcall, bool is_leq_upcall, string& error_msg)


Add a dataflow monitor entry.

Note: either is_threshold_in_packets or is_threshold_in_bytes (or both) must be true. Note: either is_geq_upcall or is_leq_upcall (but not both) must be true.


module_instance_namethe module instance name of the protocol that adds the dataflow monitor entry.
sourcethe source address.
groupthe group address.
threshold_intervalthe dataflow threshold interval.
threshold_packetsthe threshold (in number of packets) to compare against.
threshold_bytesthe threshold (in number of bytes) to compare against.
is_threshold_in_packetsif true, threshold_packets is valid.
is_threshold_in_bytesif true, threshold_bytes is valid.
is_geq_upcallif true, the operation for comparison is ">=".
is_leq_upcallif true, the operation for comparison is "<=".
error_msgthe error message (if error).

Returns: XORP_OK on success, otherwise XORP_ERROR.

int  delete_dataflow_monitor (const string& module_instance_name, const IPvX& source, const IPvX& group, const TimeVal& threshold_interval, uint32_t threshold_packets, uint32_t threshold_bytes, bool is_threshold_in_packets, bool is_threshold_in_bytes, bool is_geq_upcall, bool is_leq_upcall, string& error_msg)


Delete a dataflow monitor entry.

Note: either is_threshold_in_packets or is_threshold_in_bytes (or both) must be true. Note: either is_geq_upcall or is_leq_upcall (but not both) must be true.


module_instance_namethe module instance name of the protocol that deletes the dataflow monitor entry.
sourcethe source address.
groupthe group address.
threshold_intervalthe dataflow threshold interval.
threshold_packetsthe threshold (in number of packets) to compare against.
threshold_bytesthe threshold (in number of bytes) to compare against.
is_threshold_in_packetsif true, threshold_packets is valid.
is_threshold_in_bytesif true, threshold_bytes is valid.
is_geq_upcallif true, the operation for comparison is ">=".
is_leq_upcallif true, the operation for comparison is "<=".
error_msgthe error message (if error).

Returns: XORP_OK on success, otherwise XORP_ERROR.

int  delete_all_dataflow_monitor (const string& module_instance_name, const IPvX& source, const IPvX& group, string& error_msg)


Delete all dataflow monitor entries for a given source and group address.


module_instance_namethe module instance name of the protocol that deletes the dataflow monitor entry.
sourcethe source address.
groupthe group address.
error_msgthe error message (if error).

Returns: XORP_OK on success, otherwise XORP_ERROR.

int  add_multicast_vif (uint32_t vif_index)


Add a multicast vif to the kernel.


vif_indexthe vif index of the interface to add.

Returns: XORP_OK on success, otherwise XORP_ERROR.

int  delete_multicast_vif (uint32_t vif_index)


Delete a multicast vif from the kernel.


vif_indexthe vif index of the interface to delete.

Returns: XORP_OK on success, otherwise XORP_ERROR.

int  get_sg_count (const IPvX& source, const IPvX& group, SgCount& sg_count)


Get MFC multicast forwarding statistics from the kernel.

Get the number of packets and bytes forwarded by a particular Multicast Forwarding Cache (MFC) entry in the kernel, and the number of packets arrived on wrong interface for that entry.


sourcethe MFC source address.
groupthe MFC group address.
sg_counta reference to a SgCount class to place the result: the number of packets and bytes forwarded by the particular MFC entry, and the number of packets arrived on a wrong interface.

Returns: XORP_OK on success, otherwise XORP_ERROR.

int  get_vif_count (uint32_t vif_index, VifCount& vif_count)


Get interface multicast forwarding statistics from the kernel.

Get the number of packets and bytes received on, or forwarded on a particular multicast interface.


vif_indexthe vif index of the virtual multicast interface whose statistics we need.
vif_counta reference to a VifCount class to store the result.

Returns: XORP_OK on success, otherwise XORP_ERROR.

MfeaMrouter&  mfea_mrouter ()


Get a reference to the mrouter (MfeaMrouter).

Returns: a reference to the mrouter (MfeaMrouter).

MfeaDft&  mfea_dft ()


Get a reference to the dataflow table (MfeaDft).

Returns: a reference to the dataflow table (MfeaDft).

bool  is_log_trace ()



Test if trace log is enabled.

This method is used to test whether to output trace log debug messges.

Returns: true if trace log is enabled, otherwise false.

void  set_log_trace (bool is_enabled)


Enable/disable trace log.

This method is used to enable/disable trace log debug messages output.


is_enabledif true, trace log is enabled, otherwise is disabled.
IfConfigUpdateReplicator&  mfea_iftree_update_replicator ()



Generated by: bms on on Wed Jul 23 10:05:50 2008, using kdoc 2.0a54+XORP.