Source: ../../libproto/proto_unit.hh
// -*- c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: t -*-
// Copyright (c) 2001-2003 International Computer Science Institute
// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
// copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software")
// to deal in the Software without restriction, subject to the conditions
// listed in the XORP LICENSE file. These conditions include: you must
// preserve this copyright notice, and you cannot mention the copyright
// holders in advertising related to the Software without their permission.
// The Software is provided WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. This
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// legally binding.
// $XORP: xorp/libproto/proto_unit.hh,v 1.5 2003/03/19 23:38:22 pavlin Exp $
#include "libxorp/xorp.h"
#include "proto_state.hh"
// Protocol unit generic functionality
// Constants definitions
// Structures/classes, typedefs and macros
* @short The unique module IDs (one per protocol or module).
* Note: the module IDs must be consistent with the _xorp_module_name
* definition in file (TODO: a temporary solution).
enum xorp_module_id {
* @short Base class for each protocol unit (node, vif, etc).
class ProtoUnit : public ProtoState {
* Constructor for a given address family and module ID.
* @param init_family the address family.
* @param init_module_id the module ID (@ref xorp_module_id).
ProtoUnit(int init_family, xorp_module_id init_module_id);
* Destructor
virtual ~ProtoUnit();
* Get the address family.
* @return the address family (e.g., AF_INET or AF_INET6 for IPv4 and
* IPv6 respectively).
int family() const { return (_family); }
* Get the module ID.
* @return the module ID (@ref xorp_module_id).
xorp_module_id module_id() const { return (_module_id); }
* Get the current protocol version.
* @return the current protocol version.
int proto_version() const { return (_proto_version); }
* Set the current protocol version.
* @param v the protocol version.
void set_proto_version(int v) { _proto_version = v; }
* Get the default protocol version.
* @return the default protocol version.
int proto_version_default() const { return (_proto_version_default); }
* Set the default protocol version.
* @param v the default protocol version.
void set_proto_version_default(int v) { _proto_version_default = v;}
* Test if the address family of the unit is IPv4.
* @return true if the address family of the unit is IPv4.
bool is_ipv4() const { return (_family == AF_INET); }
* Test if the address family of the unit is IPv6.
* @return true if the address family of the unit is IPv6.
bool is_ipv6() const { return (_family == AF_INET6); }
* Get the module name.
* TODO: temporary, all names are listed in "_xorp_module_name[][]"
* in
* @return C-style string with the module name.
const char *module_name() const { return (_module_name.c_str()); }
* Get the communication handler for this unit.
* Note: currently, the purpose of the communication handler is undefined.
* @return the communication handler for this unit.
int comm_handler() const { return (_comm_handler); }
* Set the communication handler for this unit.
* @param v the communication handler to set for this unit.
void set_comm_handler(int v) { _comm_handler = v; }
// Protocol tests
* Test if the protocol is MLD6 or IGMP.
* @return true if the protocol is MLD6 or IGMP.
bool proto_is_mld6igmp() const { return (_module_id == XORP_MODULE_MLD6IGMP); }
* Test if the protocol is IGMP.
* @return true if the protocol is IGMP.
bool proto_is_igmp() const { return (proto_is_mld6igmp() && is_ipv4()); }
* Test if the protocol is MLD6.
* @return true if the protocol is MLD6.
bool proto_is_mld6() const { return (proto_is_mld6igmp() && is_ipv6()); }
* Test if the protocol is PIM-SM.
* @return true if the protocol is PIM-SM.
bool proto_is_pimsm() const { return (_module_id == XORP_MODULE_PIMSM); }
* Test if the protocol is PIM-DM.
* @return true if the protocol is PIM-DM.
bool proto_is_pimdm() const { return (_module_id == XORP_MODULE_PIMDM); }
* Test if the protocol is BGMP.
* @return true if the protocol is BGMP.
bool proto_is_bgmp() const { return (_module_id == XORP_MODULE_BGMP); }
* Test if the protocol is BGP.
* @return true if the protocol is BGP.
bool proto_is_bgp() const { return (_module_id == XORP_MODULE_BGP); }
* Test if the protocol is OSPF.
* @return true if the protocol is OSPF.
bool proto_is_ospf() const { return (_module_id == XORP_MODULE_OSPF); }
* Test if the protocol is RIP.
* @return true if the protocol is RIP.
bool proto_is_rip() const { return (_module_id == XORP_MODULE_RIP); }
int _family; // The address family.
xorp_module_id _module_id; // The module ID (XORP_MODULE_*).
int _comm_handler; // The communication handler.
int _proto_version; // Protocol version (proto. specific).
int _proto_version_default; // Default protocol version.
string _module_name; // The module name.
// Global variables
// Global functions prototypes
* Get the module name for a given address family and module ID.
* TODO: temporary, all names are listed in "_xorp_module_name[][]"
* in
* @param family the address family (e.g., AF_INET or AF_INET6 for
* IPv4 and IPv6 respectively).
* @param module_id the module ID (@ref xorp_module_id).
* @return C-style string with the module name.
const char *xorp_module_name(int family, xorp_module_id module_id);
* Convert from module name to module ID.
* The module name must be a valid name returned by @ref xorp_module_name().
* @param module_name the module name.
* @return the module ID (@ref xorp_module_id) if @ref module_name is valid,
* otherwise @ref XORP_MODULE_NULL.
xorp_module_id xorp_module_name2id(const char *module_name);
* Test if a module ID is valid.
* A valid module ID is defined as valid if it is in the interval
* @param module_id the module ID to test (@ref xorp_module_id).
* @return true if @ref module_id is valid, otherwise false.
bool is_valid_module_id(xorp_module_id module_id);
Generated by: pavlin on on Thu Nov 6 23:46:54 2003, using kdoc 2.0a54+XORP. |