Source: ../../libxorp/selector.hh

Annotated List
// -*- c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: t -*-

// Copyright (c) 2001,2002 International Computer Science Institute
// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
// copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software")
// to deal in the Software without restriction, subject to the conditions
// listed in the XORP LICENSE file. These conditions include: you must
// preserve this copyright notice, and you cannot mention the copyright
// holders in advertising related to the Software without their permission.
// The Software is provided WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. This
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// legally binding.

// $XORP: xorp/libxorp/selector.hh,v 2002/12/11 23:56:05 hodson Exp $


#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <unistd.h>

#include <vector>

#include "callback.hh"

class SelectorList;

 * Selector event type masks.
enum SelectorMask {
    SEL_RD	= 0x01,				// Read events
    SEL_WR	= 0x02,				// Write events
    SEL_EX	= 0x04,				// Exception events
    SEL_ALL	= SEL_RD | SEL_WR | SEL_EX	// All events

 * SelectorList event hook type.
typedef void (*SelectorHook)(int fd, SelectorMask mask, void* cookie);

typedef XorpCallback2<void,int,SelectorMask>::RefPtr SelectorCallback;

class SelectorTag;
typedef ref_ptr<SelectorTag> Selector;

 * @short A class to provide an interface to I/O multiplexing.
 * A SelectorList provides an entity where callbacks for pending I/O
 * operations on file descriptors may be registered.  The callbacks
 * are invoked when one of the @ref select methods is called and I/O
 * is pending on the particular descriptors.
class SelectorList { 
     * Default constructor

     * Add a hook for pending I/O operations on a callback.  
     * Only one callback may be registered for each possible I/O event
     * type (read, write, exception).  
     * Multiple event types may share the same callback. If multiple
     * event types share the same callback and multiple types of event
     * are pending, the callback is invoked just once and the mask
     * argument to the callback shows which events are pending.
     * @param file descriptor.  
     * @param mask mask of I/O event types
     * that should invoke callback.  An OR'ed combination of the
     * available @ref SelectorMask values.
     * @param scb callback object that will be invoked when the
     * descriptor.
     * @return true if function succeeds, false otherwise.  
     bool add_selector(int fd, SelectorMask mask, 
		       const SelectorCallback& scb);

     * [Deprecated]
     * Historical add_selector method.
    inline bool add_selector(int fd, SelectorMask mask, 
			     SelectorHook h, void* cookie) 
	return add_selector(fd, mask, callback(h, cookie)); 

    // Not implemented - new interface
    inline Selector add_selector(int fd, SelectorMask mask);

     * Remove hooks for pending I/O operations.
     * @param fd the file descriptor.
     * @param mask of event types to be removed, e.g. an OR'ed
     * combination of the available @ref SelectorMask values.
    void remove_selector(int fd, SelectorMask event_mask = SEL_ALL);

     * Wait for a pending I/O events and invoke callbacks when they
     * become ready.
     * @param timeout the maximum period to wait for.
     * @return the number of callbacks that were made.
    int	select(timeval *timeout);

     * Wait for a pending I/O events and invoke callbacks when they
     * become ready.
     * @param millisecs the maximum period in milliseconds to wait for.
     * @return the number of callbacks that were made.
    int	select(int millisecs);

     * Get the number of file descriptors with requested callbacks.
     * @return the number of file descriptors that currently have
     * callbacks registered.  
    inline size_t descriptor_count() const { return _descriptor_count; }

    void callback_bad_descriptors();

    enum {
	// correspond to SelectorMask; correspondence checked with
	// static_assert
	SEL_RD_IDX	= 0,
	SEL_WR_IDX	= 1,
	SEL_EX_IDX	= 2,
    struct Node {
	int			_mask[SEL_MAX_IDX];
	SelectorCallback	_cb[SEL_MAX_IDX];

	inline bool	add_okay(SelectorMask m, const SelectorCallback& scb);
	inline int	run_hooks(SelectorMask m, int fd);
	inline void	clear(SelectorMask m);
	inline bool	is_empty();

    vector<Node>	_selector_entries;
    fd_set		_fds[SEL_MAX_IDX];
    int			_maxfd;
    size_t		_descriptor_count;

class SelectorTag {
    SelectorTag(SelectorList& l, int fd, SelectorMask mask) :
	_sl(l), _fd(fd), _mask(mask) {}
    ~SelectorTag() {
    inline void remove_selector() {
	if (_fd >= 0) {
	    _sl.remove_selector(_fd, _mask);
	    _fd = -1;
    inline bool connected() const {
	return _fd == -1;
    SelectorList&	_sl;
    int			_fd;
    SelectorMask	_mask;
typedef ref_ptr<SelectorTag> Selector;

inline Selector
SelectorList::add_selector(int fd, SelectorMask mask /* CALLBACK ARG */) {
    return Selector(new SelectorTag(*this, fd, mask));


Generated by: pavlin on on Wed Dec 11 16:50:31 2002, using kdoc 2.0a54+XORP.