Base class for FinderTransport client factories. Client factories are asynchronous objects that attempt to create a FinderTransport instance when run() is called. They continue to in the attempt until a FinderTransport instance is successfully instantiated. At which point they invoke the ConnectCallback and stop future attempts.
~FinderTransportClientFactory ()
| ~FinderTransportClientFactory |
typedef XorpCallback1<void, FinderTransport::RefPtr&>::RefPtr ConnectCallback | ConnectCallback |
Callback object type. Callback takes a pointer to the newly created FinderTransport object as an argument.
void run (const ConnectCallback& cb)
| run |
[pure virtual]
Repeatedly attempt to instantiate a FinderTransport and call ConnectCallback upon success. Ceases to attempt to instantiate FinderTransport when success achieved. It is an error to call run() if factory is already running.
bool running ()
| running |
[const pure virtual]
Returns: whether factory is attempting to instantiate a transport.
void stop ()
| stop |
[pure virtual]
Force factory to stop try to instantiate FinderTransport.
Generated by: pavlin on possum.icir.org on Wed Dec 11 16:50:42 2002, using kdoc 2.0a54+XORP. |