// -*- c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: t -*- // Copyright (c) 2001,2002 International Computer Science Institute // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a // copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software") // to deal in the Software without restriction, subject to the conditions // listed in the Xorp LICENSE file. These conditions include: you must // preserve this copyright notice, and you cannot mention the copyright // holders in advertising related to the Software without their permission. // The Software is provided WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. This // notice is a summary of the Xorp LICENSE file; the license in that file is // legally binding. // $XORP: xorp/fea/fti.hh,v 2002/12/11 23:56:02 hodson Exp $ #ifndef __FEA_FTI_HH__ #define __FEA_FTI_HH__ #include "config.h" #include "libxorp/xorp.h" #include "libxorp/ipv4.hh" #include "libxorp/ipv6.hh" #include "libxorp/ipv4net.hh" #include "libxorp/ipv6net.hh" /** * @short Forwarding Table Entry. * * Representation of a routing table entry. */ template<typename A> class Fte { public: Fte() { zero(); } Fte(const IPNet<A>& net, const A& gw, const string& ifname, const string& vifname) : _net(net), _gw(gw), _ifname(ifname), _vifname(vifname) {} Fte(IPNet<A> net) : _net(net) {} inline const IPNet<A>& net() const { return _net; } inline const A& gateway() const { return _gw; } inline const string& ifname() const { return _ifname; } inline const string& vifname() const { return _vifname; } /** * reset all members */ void zero() { _net = IPNet<A>(A::ZERO(), 0); _gw = A::ZERO(); _vifname.erase(); } /** * @return true if this is a host route. */ inline bool host_route() const { return _net.prefix_len() == A::addr_bitlen(); } /** * @return A string representation of the entry. * * dst = gateway = netmask = if = lo0 */ string str() const { return string("net = " + _net.str() + " gateway = " + _gw.str() + " ifname = " + _ifname + " vifname = " + _vifname); } private: IPNet<A> _net; // Network A _gw; // Gateway address string _ifname; string _vifname; }; typedef Fte<IPv4> Fte4; typedef Fte<IPv6> Fte6; /** * @short Forwarding Table Interface. * * Abstract class. */ class Fti { public: Fti() : _in_configuration(false) {} /** * Mandatory virtual destructor in the base class. */ virtual ~Fti() { } /** * Start a configuration interval. All modifications to Fti * state must be within a marked "configuration" interval. * * This method provides derived classes with a mechanism to perform * any actions necessary before forwarding table modifications can * be made. * * @return true if configuration successfully started. */ virtual bool start_configuration() = 0; /** * End of configuration interval. * * This method provides derived classes with a mechanism to * perform any actions necessary at the end of a configuration, eg * write a file. * * @return true configuration success pushed down into forwarding table. */ virtual bool end_configuration() = 0; /** * Add a single routing entry. Must be within a configuration * interval. * * @param fte. * * @return true if the deletion suceed. */ virtual bool add_entry4(const Fte4& fte) = 0; /** * Delete a single routing entry. Must be with a configuration interval. * * @param fte. Only destination and netmask are used. * * @return true if the deletion suceed. */ virtual bool delete_entry4(const Fte4& fte) = 0; /** * Delete all entries in the routing table. Must be within a * configuration interval. * * @return true if the routing table has been emptied. */ virtual bool delete_all_entries4() = 0; /** * Lookup a route. * * @param dst address to resolve. * @param fte a returned forwarding table entry. * @return true if lookup suceeded. */ virtual bool lookup_route4(IPv4 dst, Fte4& fte) = 0; /** * Lookup entry. * * Pass in a destination network to get a matching entry back. * * @return true if lookup suceeded. */ virtual bool lookup_entry4(const IPv4Net& dst, Fte4& fte) = 0; /** * Add a single routing entry. Must be within a configuration * interval. * * @param tid - the transaction id returned by start_transaction. * @param fte table entry to be added. * * @return true if the deletion suceed. */ virtual bool add_entry6(const Fte6& fte) = 0; /** * Delete a single routing entry. Must be within a configuration * interval. * * @param fte table entry to be deleted. Only destination and * netmask are used. * * @return true if the deletion suceed. */ virtual bool delete_entry6(const Fte6& fte) = 0; /** * Lookup a route. * * @param dst address to resolve. * @param fte a returned forwarding table entry. * * @return true if lookup suceeded. */ virtual bool lookup_route6(const IPv6& dst, Fte6& fte) = 0; /** * Lookup entry. * * Pass in a destination network to get a matching entry back. * * @return true if lookup suceeded. */ virtual bool lookup_entry6(const IPv6Net& dst, Fte6& fte) = 0; /** * Delete all entries in the routing table. Must be within a * configuration interval. * * @return true if the routing table has been emptied. */ virtual bool delete_all_entries6() = 0; protected: /** * Mark start of a configuration. * * @return true if configuration can be marked as started, false otherwise. */ inline bool mark_configuration_start() { if (false == _in_configuration) { _in_configuration = true; return true; } return false; } /** * Mark end of a configuration. * * @return true if configuration can be marked as ended, false otherwise. */ inline bool mark_configuration_end() { if (true == _in_configuration) { _in_configuration = false; return true; } return false; } inline bool in_configuration() const { return _in_configuration; } private: bool _in_configuration; }; class FtiError : public XorpReasonedException { public: FtiError(const char* file, size_t line, const string init_why) : XorpReasonedException("FtiError", file, line, init_why) {} }; #endif // __FEA_FTI_HH__
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