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Re: [usb] a question about Opmode

OpMode = 2'b00 is Normal Operation
OpMode = 2'b10 disables Bit Stuffing and NRZI encoding (needed for chirp)

You need to get the UTMI spec:


--Gary Porter

}From owner-usb@opencores.org Fri Mar  7 04:39:17 2003
}X-Authentication-Warning: localhost.localdomain: majordomo set sender to owner-usb@opencores.org using -f
}Date: Fri, 7 Mar 2003 17:15:14 +0800
}From: "henry_xb" <xxiaobin@263.net>
}To: "usb@opencores.org" <usb@opencores.org>
}Subject: [usb] a question about Opmode
}Hi friends£¡
} Can tell me the function of Opmode? 
} When it is "01","10",what should the UTMI do?
}Best Regard
} ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡2003-03-07
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