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RE: [pci] Please help me with PCI - CRT Test Application
Try wb2hpi project. There is Xilinx ISE .npl file.
Unfortunate at the moment core do not work with new
Opencores PCI files (it works with old version).
We hope that we will correct the wb2hpi core ASAP.
-----Original Message-----
From: owner-pci@opencores.org [mailto:owner-pci@opencores.org] On Behalf
Of Gustaw47@poczta.onet.pl
Sent: Tuesday, March 18, 2003 3:08 PM
To: pci@opencores.org
Subject: [pci] Please help me with PCI - CRT Test Application
I am trying to run PCI test application on my prototype board. I use
Xilinx ISE 4.1 and FPGA EXPRESS, on device XC2S150-208-6. Project is
succesfully built and .mcs bit-stream is generated, Timing
constraits and PIN locations are OK, Spartan loads and starts-up.
The problem is, that during a computer's boot, bios doesn't see my PCI
card. On listing it shows different Vendor/Device rows, but there is no
my card.
Is this a correct behaviour ? Should BIOS show pci crt dev/vendor on
list ?
Maybe I should change something in pci_user_constraints ?
Can somebody provide me a working Xilinx .npl project file, because I am
not shure, if my settings are OK ?
Thanks in advance
Gustaw Mazurek
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