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Re: [pci] A good development board ...

> I would like to know what is the lowest cost board that I can use to test
> the core... If there is no low cost board,  who would help me to layout and
> make one ??

If you use Xilinx FPGAs and have the tools to download to
their parts, then Insight Electronics has a  PCI board with a 
Spartan-II 200 on it for $250us.
the part number for the board is DS-KIT-2S200

I've used the previous version of the card with the Spartan-II
150 with great results.


Charles Martin                 "It is a very sad thing that nowadays
Test & Measurement Systems      there is so little useless information"
Charles_Martin@tamsinc.com                          --- Oscar Wilde
(970) 669 6553 ext. 16 

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