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Re: [pci] simple synplicity question
You should add a target library to your project. You will find Verilog files
in "Synplicity install dir"/lib/xilinx/
You must add a *.v file that corresponds to your target
technology(virtex2.v, virtexe.v, virtex.v etc..)
Miha Dolenc
----- Original Message -----
From: <billms@billms.com>
To: <pci@opencores.org>
Sent: Friday, August 09, 2002 4:03 AM
Subject: [pci] simple synplicity question
> Hi - I'm fairly sure there is a simple answer to this question, but
> through the synplicity docs hasn't resulted in one being found yet.
> I'm trying to compile the pci core with synplicity and get an error about
> RAMB4_S16_16 being an undefined module. I know what this is in the
> chip, and know its just an instantiation of a Xilinx library component.
> But how do I get synplicity to like it?
> Thanks,
> Bill
> --
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