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[pci] Fwd: [Re: [PCI/USB 2]]

pls: replay to khatib@ieee.org

Jamil Khatib
OpenIP Organization http:/www.openip.org
OpenIPCore Project  http://www.openip.org/oc
OpenCores  Project  http://www.opencores.org

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>   This is the second email you get from me and the last one if you did not
>show any interest in joining the PCI/USB development group.

	I think I had replied this mail, before. Anyway, yes, I am
interested to help the PCI/USB development.

	I have some references about design of PCI interfaces aimed to
FPGAs.  There is a couple of articles very detailed, specially [3], [5] and
[6]. [3] and [6] covers practical implementation. [6] is avaialble on-line. 
I hope it helps.

	The refs are:

Electronic Design, 43(5), 100-&. 1995. 

	[2] Dipert, B.ASIC+FPGA=fast, wide PCI. Edn, 43(13), 18-18. 1998. 

	[3] Kuusilinna, K., Hamalainen, T., and Saarinen, J.Field
programmable gate array-based PCI interface for a coprocessor system.
Microprocessors And Microsystems, 22(7), 373-388. 1999.

	[4] Moll, L. and Shand, M.Systems Performance Measurement on PCI
Pamette.  16-4-1997. IEEE Symposium on Field-Programmable Custom Computing

	[5] Mora, F., Sebastia, A., Muller, H., Fernandes, C., and Ermoline,
Y.Design of a high-performance PCI interface for an SCI network. Computing &
Control Engineering Journal, 9(6), 275-282. 1998.

	[6] QuickLogic.Peripheral Component Interconnect (PCI) Using the
QL2003 FPGA.  1998. 

	[7] Robinson, David, Lysaght, Patrick, McGregor, Gordon, and Dick,
Hugh.Performance Evaluation of a Full Speed PCI Initiator and Target
Subsystem Using FPGAs.  41-50. 1996. 

PS: The next 60 days I will be very busy to help you in the real
development.  What should I do to keep mylself at least up-to-date with the

|                                                                       |
|					Walter Soto Encinas Jr          |
|					PhD Student                     |
|					ICMC - USP                      |
|					Brazil                          |
|                                       soto@icmc.sc.usp.br             |