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Re: [oc] Inquiry
Hi Rudi,
I'm sorry if I upset people.
I have a number of cores on my web site that are in various stages of
I'm a novice at this .... I've been only designing VHDL cores for a year.
I've been writing realtime embedded software for about 15 years and
spend 5 years
at a government research organisation, where I spent some time working on
frame rate image processing hardware.
I would have thought the size and functionality of my cores at least are
not up to scratch
with a comercial ones.
If you look at the size of a VHDL core and compare them to the complexity of
normal software, they are not that big or terribly complex. My System09
CPU core is
only 300K of source code.
Rudolf Usselmann wrote:
>Auch ! Here we go again, just because something is free it is
>considered crap, only useful for learning. Funny, you want to
>*learn* from crap that others produced ? I really don't understand
>how people can generalize in such a broad way. Sure there are
>some bad IPs our there, just as there are plenty of commercial
>IP out there that are crap.
>Just because Linux is free, it is not considered crap. Are you
>using any NVIDIA Graphics Cards ? They use Linux for their computer
>farm for chip design and simulations. So I guess they are making
>crap as well ?!
>The truth is that there are many commercial customers out there
>that use IP cores from OpenCores. Unfortunately, because of the
>wrong impression (like yours) people get when they hear OpenCores,
>nobody wants to admit it. My complements to Voxi, who has publicly
>written up a success story how they used a hand full of free IP
>cores from OpenCores. You probably didn't read that yet, did you ?
>I write commercial IPs for a living, and just because I give some
>of them away for free, it does not mean they are useless or crap.
>Thank you.
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