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Re: [oc] square circuts

thanks for your reply. but i think mutlipier x*y consume more resouce than the square circuts only for x*x.

                                                   To:   cores@opencores.org                                                           
                                                   cc:   (bcc: Haoguang Guo/SHA/SC/PHILIPS)                                            
                                                   Subject:    Re: [oc] square circuts                                                 
               John Sheahan                        Classification:                                                                     
               Sent by:                                                                                                                
               05/06/2003 11:07 PM                                                                                                     
               Please respond to cores                                                                                                 

On Tue, May 06, 2003 at 09:36:49PM -0700, haoguang.guo@philips.com wrote:
> hi,
>    can anyone tell me how to use fpga to impelemte the suqre circuts? I only find mutiplier in xilix's
> core generator.

last I checked n^2  = n*n ; which can be done with the multiplier.

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