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[oc] FPGA BOARD Considerations
I have been designing a FPGA TRAINER schematic/board for OPENCORES.
Here is one problem i have find, and is memory EPROM or EEPROM for my
devices, i'm using ACEX1K and APEX20KE. When i bought that they didn't send me
the memory, and i asked for price, they told me i could buy from them a EEPROM
memory with JTAG support by 20 dollars/euro (exchange is more or less alike), i
thought to myself it is expensive, and i ask in some places, and give me some
ideas... i could be using a DSP with memory and implement JTAG support, or use
a microcontroller with a i2c memory (there are PIC for less than 10$/€), or
Flash memory,...
As the board is intented to try out designs in a modular way, i mean it'll
be a core and i/we'll develop some modules to hook up to the board and use it.
For example, if someone got Burched board could hook both boards and could have
a multiFPGA board, and try to develop a "multi-system" or to begin, there will
be a module with and LCD, another with a 7 segment, another with IDE Compact
Flash,...(kind like Burched).. that's what i was thinking of.
Taking in considerance that is a TRAINER BOARD, what would you recommend me
for your experience to do with memory to program SRAM FPGA ? and what do you
think of it being modular and having for that a maximum frec penalty?
Héctor Orón mailto:hecormar@teleco.upv.es
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