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Re: Odp: [oc] More Spartan-III info

Sorry Furia, I have no clue and I haven't been able to find much on 
Xilinx's website about the device sizes or packages.  Also, I realized that 
the link I posted before may be bad.  You might also try:

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Jerzy G" <furia1024@w... > 
To: "cores@o... " <cores@o... > 
Date: Wed, 12 Mar 2003 12:25:48 +0100 
Subject: Odp: [oc] More Spartan-III info 

> Hi 
> > I'm *very* happy to see that MULT18X18 is available.  Also be 
> [...] 
> Could You know how many of this primitives Spartan-3 will have? 
> Greetings 
> furia 
> -- 
> "Everything is simple until it'll be comprehensible" - furia 
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