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[oc] About IrDA and PIC

I see that are a IrDA core, but are writen in verilog, can i convert it to 
vhdl format for use it in our FPGA?

I see that PIC (Programable Interrupt Controller) are not implemented as a 
core, i think that are a good idea do it, becouse for example on my system 
i have a uP that address some devices implemented in the FPGA, and other 
such eth or usb that fpga generate cs signal and route interrupts. With a 
smaller PIC, this bring the posibility of connect more IRQ devices to the 
uP, and don't use IRQ sharing that reduces the spped. I this are a good 
idea, where i to start this project?

I'm a very newbye to fpga's, but i'm ver interesting in learn much more.


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