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Re: Re: [oc] GNU LGPL license
On Fri, 26 Apr 2002, Damjan Lampret wrote:
> core free and not require any changes to come back to the community. I
> checked the GNU page John suggested and GNU LGPL is the closest to want
> I'd like from a license. Now what? Should we modify GNU LGPL to better
> fit hardware?
If you were going to do this, might a better starting point be the design
science license (http://www.dsl.org/copyleft/dsl.txt)? This has the
advantages that a) it is (IIRC) recognised as compatible with FSF
licences, and listed as such on the FSF pages; b) it doesn't have all
the software-specific content the gpl/lgpl have, c) it is already
occasionally used for hardware designs, and d) it is short.
I'm not clear enough about whether it would need to be changed to be more
lgpl than gpl like; if you did need to create a 'lgpl-ish' version, you
could offer the new version back to the design science site and maybe
see if the FSF would also approve your version?
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