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Re: [oc] Is there anyone wanting to test the VGA/LCD Core?
Hi, I'm new here, but I'd like to get involved. I'm a new EE grad and I'm
just wrapping up a 3D graphics accelerator project that used an APEX
20K200E on Altera's Exacalibur dev board. Eventually, my partner and I
would like to bring the project here (or get involved with the "graphics
engine" project), but we've got to finish this term first.
While we ended up writing our own (primitive) vga unit, I did have a
quick look at the vga/lcd core. We are hoping to continue with our
project this summer and we should still have access to the Excalibur
board, so we may be able to test the core with this hardware. Also, we
may be able to get our hands on one of Analog Device's VDACs, so we
could try that with the core as well. I would love to give this a shot,
but I must admit that I am relatively inexperienced and will likely need
some help along the way. Perhaps if you could give some suggestions
on how the design should/needs to be tested, I could give it a try?
Benj Carson
----- Original Message -----
From: sunwenjian@i...
To: cores@o...
Date: Tue, 2 Apr 2002 05:10:18 +0200
Subject: [oc] Is there anyone wanting to test the VGA/LCD Core?
> I want to test the core wroten by Richard,and we can keep touch to
> finish the work.
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