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Re: [oc] MP3 Encoder?

> This subject comes up every so often. The trouble with MP3 are the
> Decoders are free, but you get charged (or sued?) for encoder royalties. I
> believe there is an MPEG 1/2 hardware, 1/2 CPU project going. Would that
> you Damjan? We've also talked a bit about doing a small data flow engine
> which could support microcode for MP3, OGG, or whatever. It's possible a
> data engine (a very, very, basic, stripped down DSP) could perform at less
> power and smaller logic requirements that a dedicated MP3 codec. I'm
> interested in doing a data engine if others are willing. I just have not
> around to starting it formally. For now, you might try looking for the
> and half project. This could at least give you something to look over and
> think about.
I can help you with SW half. I think this data engine should be very general
that can handle also AAC.
The problem with OGG is, that IMHO is not yet fully developed.
The encoder is even more complex, and I think it is too big to develop at
start, even if we leave obvious legal problems aside...


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