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[oc] ECC CVS Repository Start


Well, after a few weeks of silence :) We (Dian and I) decide to begin the
discussion on Viterbi core. I've set up a sample CVS Repository for the
most simple Viterbi Decoder (K=3, rate=1/2 (7,5)). You can find it on the
CVS Repository under ecc directory. It has been simulated successfully
using ModelSim PE/Plus 4.7h (I've included the testbench too).

A very good starting point to learn what Viterbi Decoder is would be "A
Tutorial on Convolutional Coding with Viterbi Decoding", by Chip Fleming
which can be found on : http://pw1.netcom.com/%7Echip.f/Viterbi.html

And for result verification, I used a good Java Applet created by Olivier
Swedor. Take a look at : 

As this might be the basic for a larger Viterbi Decoder, we really wait 
to hear from you. Any comments and suggestion would be gladly accepted. 


- Zalfany

p.s. We still work on decoder of K=7 now and we hope that it is ready to
     be submitted next month.