NAME Grid::Coord - abstract representation and manipulation of points and rectangles SYNOPSIS use Grid::Coord my $point1 = Grid::Coord->new(5,4); # point(y=>5, x=>4) my $rect1 = Grid::Coord->new(2,3 => 6,5); # rectangle print "TRUE" if $rect1->contains($point1); my $rect2 = Grid::Coord->new(3,4 => 5,5); # another rectangle my $rect3 = $rect1->overlap($rect2) # (3,4 => 5,5) print $rect3->stringify; # "(3,4 => 5,5)" print $rect3; # "(3,4 => 5,5)" print "TRUE" if $rect3->equals(Grid::Coord->new(3,4 => 5,5)); print "TRUE" if $rect3 == Grid::Coord->new(3,4 => 5,5); DESCRIPTION Manage points or rectangles on a grid. This is generic, and could be used for spreadsheets, ascii art, or other nefarious purposes. USAGE Constructor Grid->Coord->new($y, $x); Grid->Coord->new($min_y, $min_x, $max_y, $max_x); Accessing coordinates The "min_y", "min_x", "max_y", "max_x" functions: print $coord->max_x; # get value $coord->min_x(4); # set value to 4 Relationships with other Coords $c3 = $c1->overlap($c2); print "TRUE" if $rect1->contains($rect2); print "TRUE" if $rect1->equals($rect2); Overloaded operators Four operators are overloaded: * the stringification operator So that "print $coord" does something reasonable * the equality operator so that "if ($coord1 == $coord2)" does the right thing. * the add operator So that "$c1 + $c2" is a synonym for "$c1-"offset($c2)> * the subtract operator So that "$c1 - $c2" is a synonym for "$c1-"delta($c2)> Iterating The iterator returns a Grid::Coord object for each cell in the current Grid::Coord range. my $it = $grid->cell_iterator; # or ->cell_iterator_rowwise # my $it = $grid->cell_iterator_colwise; # top to bottom while (my $cell = $it3->()) { # do something to $cell } You can also iterate columns/rows with $grid->cells_iterator $grid->rows_iterator BUGS None reported yet. SUPPORT From the author. AUTHOR COPYRIGHT This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. The full text of the license can be found in the LICENSE file included with this module. SEE ALSO perl(1).