# NAME Text::Caml - Mustache template engine # SYNOPSIS my $view = Text::Caml->new; my $output = $view->render_file('template', {title => 'Hello', body => 'there!'}); # template <html> <head> <title>{{title}}</title> </head> <body> {{body}} </body> </html> $output = $view->render('{{hello}}', {hello => 'hi'}); # DESCRIPTION [Text::Caml](https://metacpan.org/pod/Text::Caml) is a Mustache-like ([http://mustache.github.com/](http://mustache.github.com/)) template engine. That means it tends to have no logic in template files. ## Syntax ### Context Context is the data passed to the template. Context can change during template rendering and be specific in various cases. ### Variables Variables are inserted using `{{foo}}` syntax. If a variable is not defined or empty it is simply ignored. Hello {{user}}! By default every variable is escaped when parsed. This can be omitted using `&` flag. # user is '1 > 2' Hello {{user}}! => Hello 1 > 2! Hello {{&user}}! => Hello 1 > 2! Using a `.` syntax it is possible to access deep hash structures. # user => {name => 'Larry'} {{user.name}} Larry ### Comments Comments are ignored. They can be multiline too. foo{{! Comment}}bar foo{{! Comment }}bar ### Sections Sections are like iterators that iterate over your data. Depending on a variable type different iterators are created. - Boolean, `have_comments` is defined, not zero and not empty. # have_comments => 1 {{#have_comments}} We have comments! {{/have_comments}} We have comments! - Array, `list` is a non-empty array reference. Special variable `{{.}}` is created to point to the current element. # list => [1, 2, 3] {{#list}}{{.}}{{/list}} 123 - Hash, `hash` is a non-empty hash reference. Context is swithed to the elements. # hash => {one => 1, two => 2, three => 3} {{#hash}} {{one}}{{two}}{{three}} {{/hash}} 123 - Lambda, `lambda` is an anonymous subroutine, that's called with three arguments: current object instance, template and the context. This can be used for subrendering, helpers etc. wrapped => sub { my $self = shift; my $text = shift; return '<b>' . $self->render($text, @_) . '</b>'; }; {{#wrapped}} {{name}} is awesome. {{/wrapped}} <b>Willy is awesome.</b> ### Inverted sections Inverted sections are run in those situations when normal sections don't. When boolean value is false, array is empty etc. # repo => [] {{#repo}} <b>{{name}}</b> {{/repo}} {{^repo}} No repos :( {{/repo}} No repos :( ### Partials Partials are like `inludes` in other templates engines. They are run with the current context and can be recursive. {{#articles}} {{>article_summary}} {{/articles}} ### Nested Templates This gives horgan.js style template inheritance. {{! header.mustache }} <head> <title>{{$title}}Default title{{/title}}</title> </head> {{! base.mustache }} <html> {{$header}}{{/header}} {{$content}}{{/content}} </html> {{! mypage.mustache }} {{<base}} {{$header}} {{<header}} {{$title}}My page title{{/title}} {{/header}} {{/header}} {{$content}} <h1>Hello world</h1> {{/content}} {{/base}} Rendering mypage.mustache would output: <html><head><title>My page title</title></head><h1>Hello world</h1></html> # ATTRIBUTES ## `templates_path` my $path = $engine->templates_path; Return path where templates are searched. ## `set_templates_path` my $path = $engine->set_templates_path('templates'); Set base path under which templates are searched. ## `default_partial_extension` If this option is set that the extension is automatically added to the partial filenames. my $engine = Text::Caml->new(default_partial_extension => 'caml'); --- {{#articles}} {{>article_summary}} # article_summary.caml will be searched {{/articles}} # METHODS ## `new` my $engine = Text::Caml->new; Create a new [Text::Caml](https://metacpan.org/pod/Text::Caml) object. ## `render` $engine->render('{{foo}}', {foo => 'bar'}); Render template from string. ## `render_file` $engine->render_file('template.mustache', {foo => 'bar'}); Render template from file. # DEVELOPMENT ## Repository http://github.com/vti/text-caml # AUTHOR Viacheslav Tykhanovskyi, `vti@cpan.org` # CREDITS Sergey Zasenko (und3f) Andrew Rodland (arodland) Alex Balhatchet (kaoru) Yves Chevallier Ovidiu Stateina Fernando Oliveira # COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE Copyright (C) 2011-2015, Viacheslav Tykhanovskyi This program is free software, you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the Artistic License version 2.0.