NAME Test::Unit::Runner::XML - Generate XML reports from unit test results SYNOPSIS use Test::Unit::Runner::XML; mkdir("test_reports"); my $runner = Test::Unit::Runner::XML->new("test-reports"); $runner->start($test); exit(!$runner->all_tests_passed()); DESCRIPTION Test::Unit::Runner::XML generates XML reports from unit test results. The reports are in the same format as those produced by Ant's JUnit task, allowing them to be used with Java continuous integration and reporting tools. CONSTRUCTOR Test::Unit::Runner::XML->new($directory) Construct a new runner that will write XML reports into $directory METHODS start $runner->start($test); Run the Test::Unit::Test $test and generate XML reports from the results. all_tests_passed exit(!$runner->all_tests_passed()); Return true if all tests executed by $runner since it was constructed passed. AUTHOR Copyright (c) 2004 Andrew Eland, <>. All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. SEE ALSO * Test::Unit * Test::Unit::TestRunner * The Ant JUnit task,