Test::Subroutines - Standalone execution of Perl program subroutines

    version 1.113350

    You have a (possibly ancient) Perl program for which you'd like to write
    some unit tests. The program code cannot be modified to accommodate
    this, and you want to test subroutines but not actually *run* the
    program. This module permits running of the program subroutines
    standalone, and in relative safety.

     use Test::Subroutines; # exports load_subs
     # set up any globals to match those in the Perl program
     my $global = 'foo';
     load_subs( $perl_program_file );
     # subs from $perl_program_file are now available for calling directly
     # OR
     load_subs( $perl_program_file, $namespace );
     # subs from $perl_program_file are now available for calling in $namespace

    You'll need to set-up any environment the subroutines may need, such as
    global lexical variables, and also be aware that side effects from the
    subroutines will still occur (e.g. database updates).

    Load the module like so:

     use Test::Subroutines;

    Then use "load_subs()" to inspect your program and make available the
    subroutines within it. Let's say your program is "/usr/bin/myperlapp".
    The simplest call exports the program's subroutines into your own
    namespace so you can call them directly. Note use of the "&" subroutine
    sigil which is *required*:

     load_subs( '/usr/bin/myperlapp' );
     # and then...
     $retval = &myperlapp_sub($a,$b);

    If the subroutines happen to use global lexicals in the program, then
    you do need to set these up in your own namespace, otherwise
    "load_subs()" will die with an error message. Note that they must be
    lexicals - i.e. using "my".

    If you don't want your own namespace polluted, then load the subroutines
    into another namespace:

     load_subs( '/usr/bin/myperlapp', 'MyTestNamespace' );
     # and then...
     $retval = &MyTestNamespace::myperlapp_sub($a,$b);

    Note that this namespace must not be nested, in other words it cannot
    contain the "::" characters. This is a simple limitation which could be

  Catching "exit()" and other such calls
    There's the potential for a subroutine to call "exit()", which would
    seriously cramp the style of your unit tests. All is not lost, as by
    default this module installs a hook which turns "exit()" into "die()",
    and in turn "die()" can be caught by an "eval" as part of your test. You
    can override the hook by passing a HASH reference to "load_subs", like

     load_subs( '/usr/bin/myperlapp', {
         exit => sub { $_[0] ||= 0; die "caught exit($_[0])\n" }
     } );

    In fact the example above is the default hook - it dies with that
    message. Pass a subroutine reference as shown above and you can get
    "exit()" to do whatever you like. With the default hook, you might have
    this in your tests:

     # unit test
     eval { &sub_which_exits($a,$b) };
     is( $@, 'caught exit(0)', 'subroutine exit!' );

    Finally, a similar facility to that described here for overriding
    "exit()" is available for the "system()" builtin as well. The default
    hook for "system()" is a noop though - it just allows the call to
    "system()" to go ahead.

    *   You have to call the subroutines with leading "&" to placate strict

    *   Warnings of category "closure" are disabled in your loaded program.

    *   You have to create any required global lexicals in your own

    Some folks on IRC were particularly helpful with suggestions: "batman",
    "mst" and "tomboh". Thanks, guys!

    Oliver Gorwits <>

    This software is copyright (c) 2011 by University of Oxford.

    This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
    the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.