# Collectd-Plugins-Riemann # NAME Collectd::Plugins::Riemann::Query - Collectd plugin for querying Riemann Events # SYNOPSIS To be used with [Collectd](https://metacpan.org/pod/Collectd). - From the collectd configfile <LoadPlugin "perl"> Globals true </LoadPlugin> <Plugin "perl"> BaseName "Collectd::Plugins" LoadPlugin "Riemann::Query" <Plugin "Riemann::Query"> Host myriemann Port 5555 Protocol TCP # Static plugin metadata <Plugin foo> Query "tagged \"foo\" and service =~ \"bar%\"" Plugin foo PluginInstance bar Type gauge </Plugin> # plugin metadata from riemann attributes <Plugin> Query "tagged \"aggregation\"" PluginFrom plugin PluginInstanceFrom plugin_instance TypeFrom ds_type TypeInstanceFrom type_instance </Plugin> </Plugin> </Plugin> # Root block configuration options - Host STRING riemann host to query. defaults to localhost - Port STRING riemann port to query. defaults to 5555 - Protocol STRING defaults to TCP # Plugin block configuration options - Query STRING Riemann Query. Mandatory - Host STRING Static host part of collectd plugin. If unset, the host part of the riemann event will be used instead. - PluginFrom/TypeFrom/PluginInstanceFrom/TypeInstanceFrom STRING Dynamic plugin metadata: riemann attribute to be used to set corresponding collectd metadata. service and host are also possible. Defaults to plugin, type, plugin\_instance and type\_instance respectively. - Plugin/Type/PluginInstance/TypeInstance STRING Will be used instead if no \*From counterpart is used or found in riemann event. Can be used as a fallback. Default for Type is gauge and for Plugin is riemann service of the event. # SUBROUTINES Please refer to the [Collectd](https://metacpan.org/pod/Collectd) documentation. Or `man collectd-perl` # FILES /etc/collectd.conf /etc/collectd.d/ # SEE ALSO Collectd, collectd-perl, collectd ## INSTALLATION To install this module, run the following commands: perl Makefile.PL make make test make install ## SUPPORT AND DOCUMENTATION After installing, you can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command. perldoc Collectd::Plugins::Riemann ## DEVELOPMENT https://gitlab.in2p3.fr/wernli/collectd-plugins-riemann https://gitlab.in2p3.fr/wernli/collectd-plugins-riemann/issues