DBIx::XHTML_Table ================= Create HTML tables from SQL queries. [](https://metacpan.org/pod/DBIx::XHTML_Table) [](https://travis-ci.org/jeffa/DBIx-XHTML_Table) Synopsis -------- ```perl use DBIx::XHTML_Table; # database credentials - fill in the 'blanks' my @creds = ($data_source,$usr,$pass); my $table = DBIx::XHTML_Table->new( @creds ); $table->exec_query(q( select foo from bar where baz='qux' order by foo )); print $table->output; # stackable method calls: print DBIx::XHTML_Table ->new( @creds ) ->exec_query( 'select foo,baz from bar' ) ->output; ``` Installation ------------ To install this module, you should use CPAN. A good starting place is [How to install CPAN modules](http://www.cpan.org/modules/INSTALL.html). If you truly want to install from this github repo, then be sure and create the manifest before you test and install: ``` perl Makefile.PL make make manifest make test make install ``` Support and Documentation ------------------------- * perldoc [DBIx::XHTML_Table](/lib/DBIx/XHTML_Table.pm) * [Tutorial](http://www.unlocalhost.com/XHTML_Table/tutorial.html) * [Cookbook](http://www.unlocalhost.com/XHTML_Table/cookbook.html) * [FAQ](http://www.unlocalhost.com/XHTML_Table/FAQ.html) Author ------ Jeff Anderson License & Copyright ------------------- See [source POD](/lib/DBIx/XHTML_Table.pm) for license and copyright information.