
This module creates an automatic serialization function named "TO_JSON"
on your Object::Pad classes. The purpose of which is to automatically
look up all fields in the object and give them out to be serialized by a
JSON module. It also provides a series of attributes, ":JSONExclude" and
such, to allow you to do some basic customization of how the fields will
be output, without affecting how the fields themselves work.


  use Object::PadX::Role::AutoJSON '-toplevel';

  class Foo :does(AutoJSON) {

This is the only import right now, it creates a top level namespace role
AutoJSON for lazy people (like me). This is a bad idea, don't do it it
pollutes this globally since there is no such thing as lexical role


*   :JSONExclude

    This attribute on a field tells the serializier to ignore the field
    and never output it. This is useful for internal fields or fields to
    other objects that shouldn't be kept as part of the object when
    serializing, such as a database handle or private information.

*   :JSONKey(name)

    This attribute lets you change the name that is output when
    serializing, so that you can use a more descriptive name on the
    class but give a shorter one when serializing, or to help multiple
    classes look the same when output as JSON even if they're different

*   :JSONNull

    Normally fields that have no value will be excluded from output, to
    prevent accidental nulls being given and breaking other
    expectations. This attribute lets you force those fields to be
    output when appropriate.

*   :JSONBool

    This attribute forces the value to be re-interpreted as a boolean
    value, regardless of how perl sees it. This way you can get a proper
    'true' and 'false' in the resulting JSON without having to massage
    the value yourself through other means.

*   :JSONNum

    This attribute forces the value to be re-interpreted as a numeric
    value, regardless of how perl sees it. This will help handle
    dual-vars or places where a number came as a string and perl
    wouldn't care but JSON does.

*   :JSONStr

    This attribute forces the value to be re-interpreted as a string
    value, regardless of how perl sees it. That way numbers, or other
    value types that were present will be properly stringified, such as
    nested objects that override stringification.

*   :JSONList(type)

    This attribute forces the list in the field to have all of it's
    elements processed as "type". Where "type" is one of "JSONNum",
    "JSONStr", or "JSONBool". See above for any notes about each type,
    they match the attributes


This is a Perl module distribution. It should be installed with whichever
tool you use to manage your installation of Perl, e.g. any of

  cpanm .
  cpan  .
  cpanp -i .

Consult http://www.cpan.org/modules/INSTALL.html for further instruction.
Should you wish to install this module manually, the procedure is

  perl Makefile.PL
  make test
  make install


This module is available under the Artistic 2.0 License