This package contains the URI::OpenURL module. The module implements part of
the OpenURL (Z39.88-2004) specs, constructing KEV Format URIs.

From the implementation guide:

The OpenURL Framework for Context-Sensitive Services Standard [1] [2] provides
a means of describing a referenced resource along with a description of the
context of the reference.  Additionally it defines methods of transporting
these descriptions between networked systems. It is anticipated that it will be
used to request services pertaining to the referenced resource and appropriate
for the requester.

The OpenURL Framework is very general and has the potential to be used in many
application domains and by many communities. Concrete instantiations of the
various core components within the framework are defined within the OpenURL
Registry [3]. The OpenURL Framework is currently a .draft standard for ballot..
During the ballot and public review period, the content of the Registry will be
static and has been pre-defined by the NISO AX Committee. There is also an
experimental registry where components under development are held. In the
future it will be possible to register further items.

There are currently two formats for ContextObjects defined in the OpenURL
Framework, Key/Encoded-Value and XML. This document provides implementation
guidelines for the Key/Encoded-Value Format, concentrating mainly, but not
exclusively, on components from the San Antonio Level 1 Community Profile

This module requires URI and URI::Escape. Installation:

	perl Makefile.PL
	make test
	make install

(n.b. as OpenURLs contain a timestamp the tests are really example cases rather
than actually checking it's working correctly)

Copyright 2004 Tim Brody.

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as Perl itself.