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bsky - A Command-line Bluesky Client


# create user session
$ bsky login [handle] [password]

# view recent posts
$ bsky timeline ...

# create a post
$ bsky post ...


`bsky` is a simple command line client for Bluesky in Perl.

# Usage

bsky [global options] command [command options] [arguments...]

# Commands

## config

# Print all configuration values
bsky config

# Print a single config value and exit
bsky config wrap

# Set a configuration value
bsky config wrap 100

View or change configuration values. See [Configuration](#configuration) for a list of current options.

### Options

key         optional
value       optional

## show-profile

bsky show-profile

bsky show-profile --handle sankor.bsky.social

bsky show-profile --json

Show profile.

### Options

--handle handle     user handle; defaults to the logged in account
-H handle           alternative to --handle
--json              boolean flag; content is printed as JSON objects if given

## update-profile

bsky update-profile --description "Looks like we made it!"

bsky update-profile --name "John Smith"

bsky update-profile --avatar https://cataas.com/cat?width=100 --banner https://cataas.com/cat?width=1000

Update profile elements.

### Options

--avatar        optional, avatar image (url or local path)
--banner        optional, banner image (url or local path)
--description   optional, blurb about yourself
--name          optional, display name

## show-session

bsky show-session

bsky show-session --json

Show current session.

### Options

--json              boolean flag; content is printed as JSON objects if given

## timeline

bsky timeline

bsky timeline --json

# shorthand:
bsky tl

Display posts from timeline.

### Options

--json      boolean flag; content is printed as JSON objects if given

## thread

Show thread.


## post

post new text

## vote

bsky vote [uri] --down

Vote on the post.


### Options

--down      optional, if true, a downvote is cast, otherwise, the post is voted up

## votes

bsky votes [uri]

Show votes of the post.


### Options


## repost

bsky repost [uri]

Repost the post.


### Options


## reposts

bsky reposts [uri]

Show reposts of the post.


### Options


## follow

bsky follow [handle]

bsky follow sankor.bsky.social

bsky follow did:plc:2lk3pbakx2erxgotvzyeuyem

Follow the handle

### Options

handle          user handle or DID

## unfollow

bsky unfollow [handle]

bsky unfollow sankor.bsky.social

bsky unfollow did:plc:2lk3pbakx2erxgotvzyeuyem

Unfollow the handle

### Options

handle          user handle or DID

## follows

bsky follows

bsky follows --handle sankor.bsky.social

bsky follows --json

Show follows.

### Options

--handle handle     user handle; defaults to the logged in account
-H handle           alternative to --handle
--json              boolean flag; content is printed as JSON objects if given

## followers

bsky followers

bsky followers --handle sankor.bsky.social

bsky followers --json

Show followers.

### Options

--handle handle     user handle; defaults to the logged in account
-H handle           alternative to --handle
--json              boolean flag; content is printed as JSON objects if given

## block

bsky block [handle]

bsky block sankor.bsky.social

bsky block did:plc:2lk3pbakx2erxgotvzyeuyem

Block the handle.

### Options

handle          user handle or DID

## unblock

bsky unblock [handle]

bsky unblock sankor.bsky.social

bsky unblock did:plc:2lk3pbakx2erxgotvzyeuyem

Unblock the handle.

### Options

handle          user handle or DID

## blocks

bsky blocks

bsky blocks --json

Show blocks.

### Options

--json              boolean flag; content is printed as JSON objects if given

## delete

bsky delete [cid]

Delete an item.

### Options


## notifications

bsky notifications

bsky notifications --all

bsky notifications --json

# shorthand
bsky notif --all

Show notifications.

### Options

--all               boolean flag, show all notifications
--json              boolean flag; content is printed as JSON objects if given

## login

bsky login [ident] [password] [--host http://bsky.social]

Log into a Bluesky account.

### Options

--host        optional, defaults to https://bsky.social

## help

shows a list of commands or help for one command

# Global Options

--help, -h     show help
--version, -v  print the version
-V             print verbose version info

# Configuration

Current configuration values include:

- `wrap`

    bsky config wrap 100

    Sets word wrap width in characters for terminal output. The default is `0` which disables word wrap.

# See Also


[https://github.com/mattn/bsky](https://github.com/mattn/bsky) - Original Golang client


Copyright (C) Sanko Robinson.

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms found in the Artistic License
2\. Other copyrights, terms, and conditions may apply to data transmitted through this module.


Sanko Robinson <sanko@cpan.org>