Number::RecordLocator(3U)ser Contributed Perl DocumentatiNounmber::RecordLocator(3) NNAAMMEE Number::RecordLocator - [One line description of module's purpose here] SSYYNNOOPPSSIISS use Number::RecordLocator; my $generator = Number::RecordLocator->new(); my $string = $generator->encode("123456"); # $string = "5RL2"; my $number = $generator->decode($string); # $number = "123456"; DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONN "Number::RecordLocator" encodes integers into a 32 character "alphabet" designed to be short and easy to read and pronounce. The encoding maps: 0 to O 1 to I S to F B to P With a 32 bit encoding, you can map 33.5 million unique ids into a 5 character code. This certainly isn't an exact science and I'm not yet 100% sure of the encoding. Feedback is much appreciated. nneeww Instantiate a new "Number::RecordLocator" object. Right now, we don't actually store any object-specific data, but in the future, we might. iinniitt Initializes our integer to character and character to integer mapping tables. eennccooddee IINNTTEEGGEERR Takes an integer. Returns a Record Locator string. ddeeccooddee SSTTRRIINNGG Takes a record locator string and returns an integer. If you pass in a string containing an invalid character, it returns undef. BBUUGGSS AANNDD LLIIMMIITTAATTIIOONNSS No bugs have been reported. Please report any bugs or feature requests to "bug-number-recordloca-", or through the web interface at <>. AAUUTTHHOORR Jesse Vincent "<>" LLIICCEENNCCEE AANNDD CCOOPPYYRRIIGGHHTT Copyright (c) 2006, Best Practical Solutions, LLC. All rights reserved. This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. See perlartistic. perl v5.8.7 2006-04-29 Number::RecordLocator(3)