[](https://travis-ci.org/sophos/Crypt-PKCS11-Easy) [](https://coveralls.io/github/sophos/Crypt-PKCS11-Easy?branch=master) [](http://cpants.charsbar.org/dist/overview/Crypt-PKCS11-Easy) [](https://github.com/sophos/Crypt-PKCS11-Easy/issues) []() [](https://metacpan.org/release/Crypt-PKCS11-Easy) [](https://metacpan.org/release/Crypt-PKCS11-Easy) # SYNOPSIS ```perl use Crypt::PKCS11::Easy; use IO::Prompter; my $file = '/file/to/sign'; my $hsm = Crypt::PKCS11::Easy->new( module => 'libCryptoki2_64', key => 'MySigningKey', slot => '0', pin => sub { prompt 'Enter PIN: ', -echo=>'*' }, ); my $base64_signature = $hsm->sign_and_encode(file => $file); my $binary_signature = $hsm->decode_signature(data => $base64_signature); $hsm->verify(file => $data_file, sig => $binary_signature) or die "VERIFICATION FAILED\n"; ``` # DESCRIPTION This module is an OO wrapper around [Crypt::PKCS11](https://metacpan.org/pod/Crypt::PKCS11), designed primarily to make using a HSM as simple as possible. ## Signing a file with `Crypt::PKCS11` ```perl use IO::Prompter; use Crypt::PKCS11; use Crypt::PKCS11::Attributes; my $pkcs11 = Crypt::PKCS11->new; $pkcs11->load('/usr/safenet/lunaclient/lib/libCryptoki2_64.so'); $pkcs11->Initialize; # assuming there is only one slot my @slot_ids = $pkcs11->GetSlotList(1); my $slot_id = shift @slot_ids; my $session = $pkcs11->OpenSession($slot_id, CKF_SERIAL_SESSION) or die "Error" . $pkcs11->errstr; $session->Login(CKU_USER, sub { prompt 'Enter PIN: ', -echo=>'*' } ) or die "Failed to login: " . $session->errstr; my $object_template = Crypt::PKCS11::Attributes->new->push( Crypt::PKCS11::Attribute::Label->new->set('MySigningKey'), Crypt::PKCS11::Attribute::Sign->new->set(1), ); $session->FindObjectsInit($object_template); my $objects = $session->FindObjects(1); my $key = shift @$objects; my $sign_mech = Crypt::PKCS11::CK_MECHANISM->new; $sign_mech->set_mechanism(CKM_SHA1_RSA_PKCS); $session->SignInit($sign_mech, $key) or die "Failed to set init signing: " . $session->errstr; my $sig = $session->Sign('SIGN ME') or die "Failed to sign: " . $session->errstr; ``` ## Signing a file with `Crypt::PKCS11::Easy` ```perl use Crypt::PKCS11::Easy; use IO::Prompter; my $hsm = Crypt::PKCS11::Easy->new( module => 'libCryptoki2_64', key => 'MySigningKey', slot => '0', pin => sub { prompt 'Enter PIN: ', -echo=>'*' }, ); my $sig = $hsm->sign(data => 'SIGN ME'); ``` To make that conciseness possible a `Crypt::PKCS11::Object` can only be used for one function, e.g. signing OR verifying, and cannot be set to use a different key or a different token after instantiation. A new object should be created for each function. # SEE ALSO * [PKCS#11 v2.40 Mechanisms](http://docs.oasis-open.org/pkcs11/pkcs11-curr/v2.40/os/pkcs11-curr-v2.40-os.html) * [Crypt::PKCS11](https://metacpan.org/pod/Crypt::PKCS11) * [SoftHSM2](https://www.opendnssec.org/softhsm/)