There are times when delaying construction is helpful. My
favorite example are database handles in a heavily-forked
Apache server; database-logging error handlers are another
good one. It may also be helpful for classes to configure
a handler class and its arguments in a separate place from
where they are used.

"Trampoline" objects are an interesting OO oddity: they
turn into something that they weren't to begin with so
that you get what you need when you want it.

Object::Trampoline produces objects of type
Object::Trampoline::Bounce, which convert themselves
into whatever was originally requested the first time
any method [other than DESTROY] is called on them.  The
classes each consist of an AUTOLOAD.

The code is pure perl and requires only standard 
distribution classes (strict and Carp) and should be
equally usable on any platform supported by Perl.