Acme::Tie::Eleet - Perl extension to 5pE4k 1Ik3 4n 3l337! DESCRIPTION Have you ever wanted to speak like an eleet? Do you feel like it's too difficult to do your case mixin' manually? Tired of being laugh at by your mates because your quotes don't make you look like an h4x0r? Well, there's a solution, and you're reading the documentation of the module specially made for u, Ye4h M4n! This module basically allows you to perform a tie on filehandles, converting text written to it! And since it's quite difficult to do urself a tie, the module will also tie the 2 (no, not the letter 'S', the figure, u b4st4rd) standard file descriptors perl comes with (aka, STDOUT and STDERR). A simple use of the module and you're ready to go! Fe4R u5! INSTALLATION To install this module type the following: perl Makefile.PL make make test make install make clean Or using Module::Build: perl Build.PL ./Build ./Build test ./Build install ./Build realclean AUTHOR Jerome Quelin, <> COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) 2001-2007 Jerome Quelin, all rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. TODO - Find more h4x0R quotes to add. - Allow user to provide a dictionnary for words. Backward compatibility would be ok since a ref to a hash evaluates to true. - Allow user to provide a hash of quotes for both add_before / add_after. Backward compatibility would be ok since a ref to a hash evaluates to true. - Allow user to provide an array of quotes to add. Backward compatibility would be ok since a ref to a hash evaluates to true.