-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 Tie::NetAddr::IP ================ Provides a compact hash representation of a network hierarchy. See documentation for examples. INSTALLATION To install this module type the following: perl Makefile.PL make make test make install DEPENDENCIES This module requires these other modules and libraries: Test::More NetAddr::IP Please insure that all of them are properly installed and working before issuing bug reports. Test::More is required for testing. SECURITY CONSIDERATIONS I have no control on the machanisms involved in the storage or transport of this distribution. This means that I cannot guarantee that the distribution you have in your hands is indeed, the same distribution I packed and uploaded. Along the distribution file, you should have a file with the extension ".asc". This contains a GPG "detached signature" that makes it impossible for anybody to alter this distribution. If security is of any concern to you, by all means verify the signature of this file and contact the author if any discrepancy is detected. You can find more information about this at the following URL http://mipagina.cantv.net/lem/gpg/ MODULE DOCUMENTATION NAME Tie::NetAddr::IP - Implements a Hash where the key is a subnet SYNOPSIS use Tie::NetAddr::IP; my %WhereIs; tie %WhereIs, Tie::NetAddr::IP; $WhereIs{""} = "Lab, First Floor"; $WhereIs{""} = "Datacenter, Second Floor"; $WhereIs{""} = "Remote location"; $WhereIs{""} = "God knows where"; foreach $host ("", "", "", "") { print "Host $host is in ", $WhereIs{$host}, "\n"; } foreach $subnet (keys %WhereIs) { print "Network ", $subnet, " is used in ", $WhereIs{$subnet}, "\n"; } untie %WhereIs; DESCRIPTION This module overloads hashes so that the key can be a subnet as in NetAddr::IP. When looking values up, an interpretation will be made to find the given key within the subnets specified in the hash. The code sample provided on the SYNOPSIS would print out the locations of every machine in the `foreach' loop. Care must be taken, as only strings that can be parsed as an IP address by NetAddr::IP can be used as keys for this hash. Iterators on the hash such as `foreach', `each', `keys' and `values' will only see the actual subnets provided as keys to the hash. When looking up a value such as in `$hash{$ipaddress}' this IP address will be looked up among the subnets existing as keys within the hash. The matching subnet with the longest mask (ie, the most specific subnet) will win and its associated value will be returned. This code can be distributed freely according to the terms set forth in the PERL license provided that proper credit is maintained. Please send bug reports and feedback to the author for further improvement. AUTHOR Luis E. Munoz (lem@cantv.net) SEE ALSO perl(1), NetAddr::IP(3). COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This code comes with no warranty of any kind. The author cannot be held liable for anything arising of the use of this code under no circumstances. This code is released under the terms and conditions of the GPL. Please see the file LICENSE that accompains this distribution for more specific information. Copyright (C) 2001-2003 Luis E. Muñoz <luismunoz@cpan.org> All rights reserved -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.2.1 (Darwin) iD8DBQE+Ro9vQyDWGRI/hhARAgtdAKCbHc81UvwUe0/ku3Jfm6FMNtE3iQCgrPPm 60e8I6EhvrLgDU2MdS9e9TM= =Xoiy -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- $Id: README,v 1.2 2003/02/09 18:47:17 lem Exp $