=head1 NAME CSS::LESS - Compile LESS stylesheet files (.less) using lessc =head1 SYNOPSIS use CSS::LESS; # Compile a single LESS stylesheet my $less = CSS::LESS->new(); my $css = $less->compile('a:link { color: lighten('#000000', 10%); }'); print $css."\n"; # Compile a LESS stylesheets with using @include syntax of LESS. $less = CSS::LESS->new( include_paths => ['/foo/include/'] ); $css = $less->compile('@import (less) 'bar.less'; div { width: 100px; }'); print $css."\n"; This module has released as an alpha version. =head1 REQUIREMENTS =head2 lessc It must installed, because this module is wrapper of "lessc". You can install "lessc" using "npm" (Node.js Package Manager). $ npm install -g less $ lessc -v lessc x.x.x (LESS Compiler) [JavaScript] =head1 INSTALLATION (from GitHub) $ git clone git://github.com/mugifly/p5-CSS-LESS.git $ cpanm ./p5-CSS-LESS =head1 METHODS =head2 new ( [%params] ) Create an instance of CSS::LESS. =head3 %params : =over 4 =item C<include_paths> Path of include .less files. This paths will be used for the @include syntax of .less stylesheet. Use case of example: # File-A of LESS stylesheet # This file will be set as content when calling a 'compile' method. @include (less) 'foo.less'; ~~~~ # File-B of LESS stylesheet # This file was already saved to: /var/www/include/foo.less div { width: (100+200)px; } ~~~~ # Example of script my less = CSS::LESS->new( include_paths => [ '/var/www/include/' ] ) my $css = $less->compile( File-A ); # Let compile the File-A. print $css."\n"; # It includes the File-B, and will be compiled. =item C<compress> Compress a compiled style-sheet. It means removing some whitespaces using lessc. (default: 0) Avaiable value: 1 or 0. This item is same as parameter of lessc. =item C<strict_imports> Force evaluation of imports. (default: 0) Avaiable value: 1 or 0. This item is same as parameter of lessc. =item C<relative_urls> Re-write relative urls to the base LESS stylesheet. (default: undef) Avaiable value: 1 or 0. This item is same as parameter of lessc. =item C<rootpath> Set rootpath for url rewriting in relative imports and urls. (default: undef) This item is same as parameter of lessc. =item C<line_numbers> Outputs filename and line numbers. (default: undef) Avalable value: 'comments', 'mediaquery', 'both', undef. This item is same as parameter of lessc. =item C<lessc_path> Path of LESS compiler (default: 'lessc' on the PATH.) =item C<dry_run> Dry-run mode for debug. (default: 0) =item C<dont_die> When an errors accrued, don't die. (default: 0) =item C<tmp_path> Path of save for temporally files. (default: '/tmp/'' or other temporally directory.) =back =head2 compile ( $content [, %params] ) Parse a LESS (.less) stylesheet, and compile to CSS (.css) stylesheet. In addition, If you would prefer to compile from a file, firstly, please read a file with using the "File::Slurp" module or open method as simply. Then, parse it with this 'compile' method. =head3 $content Content of LESS (.less) stylesheet. =head3 %params This item is optional. You can use parameters same as %params of new(...) method. =head2 is_lessc_installed ( ) Check for lessc has installed. =head2 last_error () Get a message of last error. (This method is useful only if 'dont_die' parameter is set when initialized an instance.) =head1 SEE ALSO L<https://github.com/mugifly/p5-CSS-LESS> - Develop on GitHub. Your feedback is highly appreciated. L<CSS::LESSp> - LESS-parser by native perl implementation. L<CSS::Sass> =head1 COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE Copyright (C) 2013, Masanori Ohgita (http://ohgita.info/). This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.