Jupyter::Kernel for Raku ---------------- [](https://travis-ci.org/bduggan/p6-jupyter-kernel) [](https://mybinder.org/v2/gh/bduggan/p6-jupyter-kernel/master?filepath=hello-world.ipynb)  This is a pure Raku implementation of a Raku kernel for Jupyter clients¹. Jupyter notebooks provide a web-based (or console-based) Read Eval Print Loop (REPL) for running code and serializing input and output. REALLY QUICK START ------------------- [Binder](https://mybinder.org/) provides a way to instantly launch a Docker image and open a notebook². Click `launch | binder` above to start this kernel with a sample notebook. (See below for similar alternatives.) QUICK START ----------- * [Installation](#Installation) * [Configuration](#Configuration) * [Running](#Running) ### Installation You'll need to install zmq. Note that currently, version 4.1 is recommended by Net::ZMQ (though 4.2 is installed by, e.g. homebrew). If you run into stability issues, you may need to downgrade. ``` brew install zmq # on OS/X apt-get install libzmq-dev # on Ubuntu ``` You'll also want jupyter, for the front end: ``` pip install jupyter ``` Finally, install `Jupyter::Kernel`: ``` zef install Jupyter::Kernel ``` At the end of the above installation, you'll see the location of the `bin/` directory which has `jupyter-kernel.raku`. Make sure that is in your `PATH`. ### Configuration #### Server Configuration To generate a configuration directory, and to install a kernel config file and icons into the default location: ``` jupyter-kernel.raku --generate-config ``` * Use `--location=XXX` to specify another location. * Use `--force` to override an existing configuration. #### Logging By default a log file `jupyter.log` will be written in the current directory. An option `--logfile=XXX` argument can be added to the argv argument of the server configuration file (located at `$(jupyter --data)/kernels/raku/kernel.json`) to change this. #### Client configuration The jupyter documentation describes the client configuration. To start, you can generate files for the notebook or console clients like this: ``` jupyter notebook --generate-config jupyter console --generate-config ``` Some suggested configuration changes for the console client: * set `kernel_is_complete_timeout` to a high number. Otherwise, if the kernel takes more than 1 second to respond, then from then on, the console client uses internal (non-Raku) heuristics to guess when a block of code is complete. * set `highlighting_style` to `vim`. This avoids having dark blue on a black background in the console client. ### Running Start the web UI with: ``` jupyter-notebook Then select New -> Raku. ``` You can also use it in the console like this: ``` jupyter-console --kernel=raku ``` Or make a handy shell alias: ``` alias iraku='jupyter-console --kernel=raku' ``` FEATURES ----------- * __Autocompletion:__ Typing `[tab]` in the client will send an autocomplete request. Possible autocompletions are: * methods: after a `.` the invocant will be evaluated to find methods * set operators: after a ` (`, set operators (unicode and texas) will be shown (note the whitespace before the `(`)). * equality/inequality operators: after `=`, ` <`, or ` >`, related operators will be shown. * autocompleting ` *` or ` /` will give `×` or `÷` respectively. * autocompleting ` **` or a superscript will give you superscripts (for typing exponents). * the word 'atomic' autocompletes to the [atomic operators](https://docs.raku.org/type/atomicint#Operators). (Use `atomic-` or `atom` to get the subroutines with their ASCII names). * a colon followed by a sequence of word characters will autocomplete to characters whose unicode name contains that string. Dashes are treated as spaces. e.g. :straw will find 📠("STRAWBERRY") or 🥤 ("CUP WITH STRAW") and :smiling-face-with-smiling-eye will find 😊 ("SMILING FACE WITH SMILING EYES") * __Keep output:__ All cells are evaluated in item context. Outputs are then saved to an array named `$Out`. You can read from this directly or: * via the subroutine `Out` (e.g. `Out[3]`) * via an underscore and the output number (e.g. `_3`) * for the most recent output: via a plain underscore (`_`). * __Magics:__ There is some support for jupyter "magics". If the first line of a code cell starts with `#%` or `%%`, it may be interpreted as a directive by the kernel. See EXAMPLES. The following magics are supported: * `#% javascript`: return the code as javascript to the browser * `#% html`: return the output as html * `#% latex`: return the output as LaTeX. Use `latex(equation)` to wrap the output in `\begin{equation}` and `\end{equation}`. (Or replace "`equation`" with another string to use something else.) * `#% html > latex`: The above two can be combined to render, for instance, the output cell as HTML, but stdout as LaTeX. * `%% bash`: Interpret the cell as bash. stdout becomes the contents of the next cell. Behaves like Raku's built-in `shell`. * `%% run FILENAME`: Prepend the contents of FILENAME to the contents of the current cell (if any) before execution. Note this is different from the built-in `EVALFILE` in that if any lexical variables, subroutines, etc. are declared in FILENAME, they will become available in the notebook execution context. * `%% always [SUBCOMMAND] CODE`: SUBCOMMAND defaults to `prepend` but can be: * `prepend`: Prepend each cell by `CODE;\n` * `append`: Append `;\nCODE` after each command * `clear`: Clear all `always` registered actions * `show`: Show `always` registered actions You can combine it with another magic. For example: `%% always prepend %% run file.raku` * __Comms:__ Comms allow for asynchronous communication between a notebook and the kernel. For an example of using comms, see [this notebook](eg/comms.ipynb) ### Usage notes * In the console, pressing return will execute the code in a cell. If you want a cell to span several lines, put a `\` at the end of the line, like so: ``` In [1]: 42 Out[1]: 42 In [2]: 42 + Out[2]: Missing required term after infix In [3]: 42 + \ : 10 + \ : 3 + \ : 12 Out[3]: 67 ``` Note that this is not the same as the raku 'unspace' -- a backslash followed by a newline will be replaced with a newline before the code is executed. To create an unspace at the end of the line, you can use two backslashes. DOCKER ------- [This blog post](https://sumankhanal.netlify.com/post/raku_notebook/) provides a tutorial for running this kernel with Docker. [This one](https://sumdoc.wordpress.com/2018/01/04/using-perl-6-notebooks-in-binder/) describes using [Binder](https://mybinder.org/). EXAMPLES -------- The [eg/](eg/) directory of this repository has some example notebooks: * [Hello, world](eg/hello-world.ipynb). * [Generating an SVG](eg/svg.ipynb). * [Some unicodey math examples](http://nbviewer.jupyter.org/github/bduggan/p6-jupyter-kernel/blob/master/eg/math.ipynb) * [magics](http://nbviewer.jupyter.org/github/bduggan/p6-jupyter-kernel/blob/master/eg/magics.ipynb) SEE ALSO -------- * [Docker image for Raku](https://hub.docker.com/r/sumankhanal/raku-notebook/) * [iperl6kernel](https://github.com/timo/iperl6kernel) KNOWN ISSUES --------- * Newly declared methods might not be available in autocompletion unless SPESH is disabled (see tests in [this PR](https://github.com/bduggan/p6-jupyter-kernel/pull/11)). THANKS -------- Matt Oates Suman Khanal Timo Paulssen Tinmarino FOOTNOTES -------- ¹ Jupyter clients are user interfaces to interact with an interpreter kernel like `Jupyter::Kernel`. Jupyter [Lab | Notebook | Console | QtConsole ] are the jupyter maintained clients. More info in the [jupyter documentations site](https://jupyter.org/documentation). ² mybinder.org provides a way to instantly launch a Docker image and open a notebook.