Markup::Content - Extract content markup information from a markup

            my $content = Markup::Content->new(
                                    target => 'noname.html',
                                    template => 'noname.xml',
                                    target_options => {
                                            no_squash_whitespace => [qw(script style pi code pre textarea)]
                                    template_options => {
                                            callbacks => {
                                                    title => sub {
                                                            print shift()->get_text();



    This modules uses a description of another markup page (template) to
    match against a specified markup document (target). The point is to
    extract formatted content from a markup page. While this module in
    itself lends a good deal of flexibility and reuse, the script [to be]
    written around this module is probably a better choice. See

        This can be a file name, glob or internet address, or if you already
        have a Markup::MatchTree you want to use as the template, you may
        set this argument to the tree. This argument will be passed directly
        to the "set_template" method. See the section "TEMPLATES" for more
        information on what is meant by "template".

        This HASHREF will be sent directly to Markup::MatchTree as the
        "parser_options" option.

        This can be a file name, glob or internet address, or if you already
        have a Markup::Tree you want to use as the target, you may set this
        argument to the tree. This argument will be passed directly to the
        "set_target" method.

        This HASHREF will be sent directly to Markup::Tree as the
        "parser_options" option.

        The name of the template. This is unused right now, but will
        eventually be a nice-to-have-if-set option.

        Makes a template tree from the FILE or "Markup::MatchTree". See the
        section "TEMPLATES" for more information on what is meant by

        Makes a target tree from the FILE or "Markup::Tree".

        Based on the "template" and "target" it will build a Markup::Tree,
        with just the content, accessible as $content->tree.

    A template, as wanted by this module, is nothing more than a simple XML
    document. I will try to outline the document structure below.

    The XML root node should be template.


    There are only two kinds of tags - "match" or "section".

            <match />
            <section />

    There are four known attributes: "tagname", "options", "element_type",
    and "text".

            <match element_type = "-->text" tagname = "-->text" options = "text_not_null" text = "{!!}" />

    Section elements are only used to mark off sections (as you may have
    guessed). The name of the section is specified in the tag by the
    "tagname" known attribute.

            <section tagname = "nav1">
                    <match tagname = "a" _href = "{!!}" />

    Match elements are used to match (duh!) elements of the target.

    Attributes are defined with a leading underscore.

            <match tagname ="a" _href = "{!^http://!}" _title = "outside link" />

    These are unknown or unnamed attributes. Known attributes are a short
    list of pre-defined keywords. It is perfectly fine to have an unknown
    attribute the same as a known attribute, such as:

            <match tagname = "tagname" _tagname = "the_tag_name" />

    This is unlikely to be encountered in the wild, as HTML tags don't have
    any validity to the known attributes. We will describe our known
    attributes more clearly below.

  Known Attributes
        This represents the name of the element. Likely it will correspond
        to an HTML tag.

        This will be directly mapped into Markup::MatchTree as the elements
        element_type. See the "element_type" description under Markup::Tree
        for a list of meaningful values.

        Useful only if element_type is "-->text". Note that text need not be
        specified only with <match element_type = "-->text" /> elements. It
        could also be betwen <match> tags, like so:

                <match tagname = "p">some text</p>

        This is a comma-seperated (,) list of options. Options may be one or
        more of the following:

            CALLBACK is the name of a key of the HASHREF option whose value
            is a CODEREF of Markup::MatchTrees "callback" arguments. An
            example will do nicely here.

                    my $content = Markup::Content->new( target => 'http://foobar/',
                                            template => '~/sites/foobar/foobar.xml',
                                            template_options => {
                                                    callbacks => {
                                                            my_callback_filter => sub {
                                                                    my $node = shift();
                                                                    print $node->drop()->{'tagname'}, "\n";
                                                            another_callback_filter => sub {
                                                                    my $node = shift();
                                                                    do {
                                                                            if ($node->{'element_type'} eq '-->text') {
                                                                                    print $node->{'text'};
                                                                    } while ($node = $node->next_node());

            If the "text" or next text element of the specified element
            contains more than whitespace, this option will not mark it as
            an error.

            If this option is specified, all children of the element will be
            ignored, but not the element itself.

            This option marks the element as optional. That is to say, if
            the element does not appear in the target document, it will not
            be marked as an error.

            Attributes will not be considered if this option is specified.

    In addition to the above knowledge, there is only one more property to
    consider. All text or attributes need not be an exact match. By
    surrounding text or attribute values with {! and !} you are saying, "use
    the perl5 regular expression specified between {! and !} to match the
    target element". Luckily you don't have to actually say all that!

    Please see noname.html, noname.xml and in this distrobution
    for a small example of this module, what it does, and a bit on how to
    use it.

    This module is *HIGHLY* experimental. It may save your life, job or
    carrer. It is also liable to get you fired, get you divorced, or put
    sugar in your gastank. I would love to hear your success/horror stories.

    Markup::Tree, Markup::MatchTree,

    BPrudent (Brandon Prudent)
