- config($key) This queries the charms config - resource($key) Pulls the resource bound to $key - unit($key) Queries the Juju unit for a specific value `unit 'public-address';` This above code would pull the public-address of the unit in the context of the running charm - status($level, $msg) Sets the charm's current status of execution - plugin($name, %opts) Load a plugin, optionally passing options # NAME App::CharmKit - ez pz charm authoring # SYNOPSIS #!/usr/bin/env perl # # In hooks/install BEGIN { system "apt-get install cpanminus"; system "cpanm -n App::CharmKit"; } use charm; pkg ['znc', 'znc-perl', 'znc-tcl', 'znc-python'], ensure => "present"; my $hook_path = $ENV{JUJU_CHARM_DIR}; file "/etc/systemd/system/znc.service", source => "$hook_path/templates/znc.service"; my $content = template("$hook_path/templates/znc.conf", port => config 'port'); file "/home/ubuntu/.znc/configs", ensure => "directory", owner => "ubuntu", group => "ubuntu"; file "/home/ubuntu/.znc/configs/znc.conf", owner => "ubuntu", group => "ubuntu", content => $content, on_change => sub { service znc => "restart" }; # DESCRIPTION Sugar package for making Juju charm authoring easier. We import several underlying packages such as [Rex](https://metacpan.org/pod/Rex) and [Path::Tiny](https://metacpan.org/pod/Path::Tiny). # AUTHOR Adam Stokes <adamjs@cpan.org>